Bulawayo City Council


Roads Services

Town Planning

The Roads Branch is responsible for the Design, Construction and Maintenance of Roads and Bridges and related structures, to improve quality of life of the community by providing and maintaining a quality road transport infrastructure that is economic, efficient, durable, safe and environmentally friendly.

The branch is divided into two sections namely, Planning and Design section and the Operations section. These sections are all combined for the better road network system.

Planning and Design Section

This section is responsible for the design of road pavements, traffic signal and lighting and bridge design. It is also in charge of planning all the works to be carried out after all the design.

Operations Section

This section is responsible for the implementation of the planned work, carrying out all maintenance work and laboratory tests on soils

Traffic lights section

The traffic lights section is responsible for installation and maintenance of all traffic lights within the city. Bulawayo has a total of eighty eight (88) traffic light controlled intersections, half of which are in the CBD. At the moment the section is in the processes of acquiring solar powered LED traffic lights which are aimed at increasing road safety , especially when there is a power failure.

Levels of Service Available

In an effort to manage a transport network for the city’s ever increasing number of vehicles, three levels of service are offered to the residents:

  • Provide adequate roads infrastructure for the city’s’ new housing developments.
  • Periodic maintenance of existing roads infrastructure.
  • Routine maintenance of existing roads infrastructure.(pot hole patching)

Services and Service Level Standards

Service / Service Product Service Level Standards Location
Production/ Approval of new roads and storm water drainage designs. 30 days Fourth floor, Tower block
Construction/ inspection of new roads and storm water drainage designs to compliance 60 days Fourth floor, Tower block
Public complaints/queries on road services 3 days Fourth floor, Tower block
Re-gravelling, pot hole patching, storm water drainage clearing 14 days Roads Yard, Lobengula St
Regrading, Reconstruction 14 days Roads Yard, Lobengula St
Re-sealing Resources based Roads Yard, Lobengula St
Re-surfacing Resources based Roads Yard, Lobengula St
Traffic calming measures (speed humps) 14 days Roads Yard, Lobengula St
Supplying developers, consultants, short and long term planning, details for roads servitude and network. Immediate Fourth floor, Tower Block
Supplying the public with details of existing road services, drawings and records. Immediate Fourth floor, Tower Block
Environmental Impacts Assessments – comments submitted. 14 Days Fourth floor, Tower Block
Town Planning/Building, Estates Dept, ensuring consistency on the application on Sub-divisions. 2 days Fourth floor, Tower Block
Community Liaison: Liaise with Ward Committee. As required Fourth floor, Tower Block
Repair street lights 1 day if spares available
>2 weeks if spares to be ordered
Roads Yard
Repair tower lights 1 day if spares available
>2 weeks if spares to be ordered
Roads Yard
Complete overhaul of KSB and Sulzer pumps 5 weeks Mechanical Workshop
Repair of KSB and Sulzer motors involving rewinding 4 weeks Electrical Workshop
Rewinding of 88/6.6kv transformer 12 weeks Electrical Workshop
Repair of sewage pumps 1 day if spares available
>2 weeks if spares to be ordered
Mechanical Workshop
Maintenance of traffic lights 1 hr if problem with bulbs
1 day if problem with controller
Roads Yard
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free