Bulawayo City Council


Tender Awards

Bulawayo Water And Sewerage Services Improvement Project (BWSSIP)


Publication date : Friday 2nd June,
Country : Zimbabwe
Executing Agency : City of Bulawayo
Name of Project : Bulawayo Water and Sewerage Services Improvement Project
Grant Number : 5900155009402
Lot Number & Name : Lot 1: Pipes and Fittings and Water meters
BWSSIP/G05 : Supply & delivery of Pipes & Fittings & Water meters
Procurement mode : National Competitive Bidding
Domestic preference : No
Regional preference : No
Borrower’s Tender Number : BWSSIP/G05
Date of receipt by the Bank of the draft Tender document : 23rd November 2016
Date of approval by the Bank of the Tender Document : 24th November 2016
Tender issuing date : 28th November 2016
Closing date of the Tender : 7th February 2017
Date of Tender opening : 7th February 2017
Date of receipt by the Bank of the Tender evaluation report :
Date of approval by the Bank of the Tender evaluation : 2017
1.Name of the winning Bidder : Acrefruits Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd
Address : 116 J.M Nkomo, Bulawayo
Contract Award Price : USD 1,037,698.21
Contract Start date : 2017
Contract Duration : 16 weeks
Summary of Scope of Contract Awarded : Supply & delivery of Pipes & Fittings & Water meters
Total Number of Bidders : 9 bidders


Name Nationality Address Bid price as Read out USD$ Evaluated price Bid Accepted/Rejected Reason for Rejection
Wah Kong Enterprises Zambia Plot No.397A, Airport Turn-off, Great East Road, Lusaka, Zambia 1,536,528.15 NA Rejected No availability of an agent in Zimbabwe, No experience as a supplier
Bartione Enterprises Zimbabwe 72 Gold Way, Kelvin West, Bulawayo 1,299,376.70 NA Rejected No bid security, no manufacturer’s authorization, no audited financial statements for the past 3years submitted, no experience as a supplier in at least 2 contracts in the 5years each with a value of US300,000.00
Proplastics Zimbabwe 5 Spurn Rd, Ardbennie, Harare 860,198.44 NA Rejected No signing of the bid, bid security expires 90 days instead of 118 days.
Farmcor Zimbabwe Stand No. 1404 Steelworks Rd, Steeldale, Bulawayo 952,845.40 NA Rejected No signing of the bid, bid security expires 90 days instead of 118 days and did not submit audited financial statements for the past 3 years
Acrefruits Enterprises Zimbabwe 116 J.M. Nkomo, Bulawayo 1,037,698.21 1,037,698.21 Accepted NA
Brainswork Zimbabwe 9 Kaguvi Street, Harare 3,901,939.74 NA Rejected No signing of the bid, bid security expires 90 days instead of 118 days, does not have manufacturer’s authorization for pipes and fittings, did not submit audited financial statements for the past 3 years, there is no experience as a supplier in at least 2 contracts in the 5years each with a value of US300,000.00
Progress Marketing Zimbabwe 22 Simon Mazorodze Rd, Mutare 1,3222,330.39 NA Rejected No authorization to sign the bid- power of attorney.
Paramount Holdings Malawi PO Box 2736, Lilongwe 1,081285,81 1,081,058.52 Rejected It has a higher evaluated price
Techfab International India 507 Eros Apartments, 56 Nehru Place, New Delhi 660,492.46 NA Rejected It was not technically responsive.

3. Attention : Project Coordinators

Bulawayo Water and Sewerage Services Improvement Project

City of Bulawayo

Street Address : Leopold Takawira Avenue/Josiah Tongogara Street
Floor/Room number : Engineering Services Municipal Offices, 6th Floor Office 601.
City : Bulawayo
ZIP Code : 00263
Country : Republic of Zimbabwe
Telephone : 00263-9-75011 ext 2192
Facsimile number : 00263-9-65534
Electronic mail address : bwssip@citybyo.co.zw

N.B: Any bidder who wishes to ascertain the grounds, on which its bid was not selected, should request an explanation from the Project Coordinator, Bulawayo Water and Sewerage Services Improvement Project, City of Bulawayo. In any event, the Bank reserves the right to review any complaint of a bidder at any time following the award.

ADVERT NO : 5802
DATE : 02/06/2017


  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
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  • 08080081 - Econ toll free