Bulawayo City Council


Mission & Vision

Corporate Vision

City of Kings, A leading smart transformative city by 2024

Corporate Mission

To provide quality services to the satisfaction of clients and stakeholders.

Corporate Values

  • Integrity-(the conduct of employees, councillors and the transaction of the business of Council shall always reflect our institutional uprightness, our honesty and commitment to safeguard the unimpaired corporate image of City of Bulawayo. Integrity also implies zero-tolerance to corrupt practices..)
  • Transparency-(to the extent possible, all transactions of Council are in the public domain and the quality of openness and being able to be distinctly seen through and understood must shine through all our work.)
  • Accountability-( as the responsible authority, Council and its people shall always avail themselves to internal and public scrutiny and be ready to reckon, report and account upwards and downwards.)
  • Innovation-(Council shall always seek new and modern ways of conducting the business of the City with emphasis on using creativity and best practices to add value to the client.)
  • Fairness-( all dealings of Council with its internal and external stakeholders shall be guided by impartiality and demonstrable justice, honesty and freedom from blemish both in reality and in the perception of the public.)
  • Consultative-(the programmes and decisions of Council shall be built and utilised at all Council levels to entrench consultation as an underpinning culture of City of Bulawayo.)
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free