Bulawayo City Council


Financial Services

Service / Service Product Service Level Standards Location
Registration of a New Account Immediate Revenue Hall
Termination of existing Account 2 weeks Revenue Hall
Transfer of Account from one consumer to the next Immediate Revenue Hall
Linking of Account and services e.g Electricity and water Immediate Revenue Hall
Name Change on an Account Immediate Revenue Hall
High Accounts
Leaks: Advice consumer on method to check
Incorrect meter readings; Investigation.
Immediate All offices
Cross Meters
Flow Limiter Applications
Debt Relief (where applicable) Immediate All Offices
Restrictions, disconnections & reconnections Immediate All offices
Balance enquiries Immediate All offices
Multi metering
Correspondence, letters, emails, faxes 14 Days All offices
Credit control as per the water policy Daily Revenue Hall
Waste water and pollution charges 1 day Revenue Hall
Opening and terminating of waste water customers

Service / Service Product Service Level Standards Location
General Technical Queries regarding water born sewerage/water reticulation.
Process applications for new water connections, meter re-sites, meter tests, and fire hydrant relocations. 14 days All Offices
Inspect plumbing of commercial and industrial customers for compliance for normal fire fighting standards.
Investigate general, domestic customer complaints/queries related to water supply.
Investigate and resolve water ponding on private property and water pressure complaints.
Process and conduct pressure and flow tests.
Inspection of Properties to location nearest Water Main, check for lot numbers, and boundary pegs in order to facilitate new water connections.
Install domestic water connections < 25mm to individual consumers multi – dwelling units and housing projects.
Install large domestic, commercial, individual water connections >25mm including sprinkler and fire connection.
Read all consumers (domestic & commercial) and reservoir water meters in the eThekwini Municipality. Quarterly Revenue Hall
Carry out field investigations/check readings where required. Daily
Estimated readings when unable to read. Monthly Revenue Hall
Maintenance of water meters and chambers
Tracing of leaks related to water meters.
Location of buried water meters.
Raising and re-siting of water meters
Change of faulty meters.
Removal of water connections due to defaulting
Water sampling
Investigations into general meter and account queries 7 Days All offices
Supplying developers, consultants, short and long term planning, details for Water and Sanitation Services.
Supplying the public with details of existing Water and Sanitation services/structures/drawings and records.
Supplying Customers with GIS information, aerial photographs, maps, survey details, backlog, and other statistics
Sample testing, eg. Ground Water contamination, drinking water quality, stream water quality.
Environmental Impacts – comments submitted.
Tanker Clearance
Town Planning/Building, Estates Dept, ensuring consistency on the application of the Plans Approval Guideline Document for referral, approval and conditions set.
Chamber of Business/Waste Minimisation Clubs/ Catchment Management Forums/ Rate Payers Association – Communicate and consult on legal and policy issues of interest. As required
Conduct standard 2 or 3 times yearly inspection to ensure compliance with sewerage disposal bylaws, National Building Regulations and other environmental legislation.
Submit an inspection report, notice or letter to industry within one week of inspection.
Ensure all relevant legislation and Department Policy are communicate to industry. Immediate
Prepare Press Release for Directors approval on spill or pollution incidents.
Prepare Press Statement on request of Reporter after Directors approval.
Give developers and consultants information required such as pressure zones, flow rates, bulk supplies.
Delivery of potable water to customers in areas where water supply has been interrupted.
Delivery of water sachets to residential areas where regular water supply cut offs take place.
Removal of spoil material left on consumers verges.
Backfilling of trenches/excavations/ in road ways and on verges
Waste Water Tank Services : Conservancy/Septic tank emptying, unprogrammed.
Pit Latrine Emptying
Waste Water connection Application/ Installations
Inspection of new Waste Water Installation
Approval of building plans with respect to sewerage disposal.
Sewer overflows/blockages/smells/damage
Private Blockages on private property
Escalated Waste Water Complaints.
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free