Bulawayo City Council


Sanitation Services

Levels of Service Available

The accepted levels for sanitation are:

General Comments

General Sewer Services and Service Level Standards

Service / Service Product Service Level Standards Workshop Location
Removal of spoil material left on consumers verges. 1 Day City Centre, Nkulumane, Mabutweni
Backfilling of trenches/excavations/ in road ways and on verges 1 Day City Centre, Nkulumane, Mabutweni
Waste Water Tank Services: Conservancy/Septic tank emptying, unprogrammed. 3 Days City Centre
Pit Latrine Emptying 14 Days City Centre
Waste Water connection Application/ Installations
From receipt of customer’s full purchase of raw materials.
7 Days City Centre, Nkulumane, Mabutweni
Inspection of new Waste Water Installation
From completed date of sewer connections.
3 Days City Centre, Nkulumane, Mabutweni
Approval / Disapproval of building plans with respect to sewerage disposal. 3 Days City Centre, Nkulumane, Mabutweni
First attendance to Sewer overflows/blockages/smells/damage Half Day City Centre, Nkulumane, Mabutweni
Attendance to Private Blockages on private property 1 Day City Centre, Nkulumane, Mabutweni
Escalated Waste Water Complaints 1 Day City Centre, Nkulumane, Mabutweni
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free