Bulawayo City Council


Occupation Of Council Property - PART I


Appointment and duties of director

4. (1) The council shall appoint a director, who shall- (a) be responsible for the administration and application of these by-laws; and (b) take such steps as he deems necessary or expedient- (i) to ensure the peaceful and orderly management and control of council residential property; and (ii) to protect the property of the council and of the inhabitants of the area.

(2) The council may appoint assistants to the director and the director shall authorize them, in writing, to perform any specified function or to exercise and specified power assigned to the director by these by-laws. (3) The council may authorize persons to perform limited specified duties under by-laws of the council or the Public Health Act [Chapter 328]. Powers of the director

5. In the performance of his duties in terms of these by-laws, the director may, in addition to exercising any other power conferred upon him by these by-laws or any other law- (a) require any person to give to the director such information as that person can give concerning- (i) the identity of any person residing within council residential property in the area; or (ii) the identity of council residential property which any person is occupying within the area; or (iii) the number and identity of any persons occupying council residential property in thearea; or (iv) the period for which any person has resided in council residential property within the area; or (v) the identity of the owner of any article or thing within the area; or (vi) the whereabouts of any person who is permitted to occupy council residential property within the area; or (vii) any other matter reasonably incidental to the discharge of the duties of the director; and

(b) Enter any council residential property and carry out any inspection in order to ascertain whether these by-laws are being observed: Provided that no person shall be subjected to entry into, or the inspection of his residential property unless the director has reason grounds to suspect that a contravention of these by-laws has occurred, is occurring or is about to occur in that residential property or that a person who has contravened these by-laws or has evidence relating to such contravention is to be found in that residential property; and

(c) After giving reasonable notice to the holder of a certificate of occupation, enter the council residential property during the hours between 7 a.m and 5 p.m. For the purpose of inspecting, repairing or maintaining such property or carrying out any other work connected with such property; and

(d) After giving reasonable notice to the holder of a certificate of occupation, enter the council residential property for the purpose of preparing for erecting, installing or laying pipe-lines, electric lines sewers, drains, poles, standards, metres, fitting and other works upon, over, in or under any such property, and thereafter, enter such property, for the purpose of repairing, maintaining, replacing, altering or inspecting such works; and

(e) Give such orders as are reasonable necessary in order that he may discharge his duties in terms of subsection (1) of section 4. Obstructing of officers

6. (1) No person shall hinder or obstruct the director, his assistant, any authorized officer or any person employed by or contracting with the council in the performance or exercise or any task, power, duty or function assigned to or conferred or imposed upon them by council.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free