Bulawayo City Council


Occupation Of Council Property - PART III


No residence without registration

16. No person shall reside in any Council residential property as a lodger or spouse or dependant of a lodger unless that lodger, spouse or dependant is registered as such in the records kept by the director in terms of paragraph (f) of subsection (2) of section 7 and the lodger has been issued with a Council document as evidence of registration.

Application for registration as a lodger

17. Any person who wishes to reside as a lodger in council residential property in any area shall apply to the director in the form prescribed in the Second Schedule. Refusal of application for registration

18. (1)The director shall refuse any application for registration as a lodger if–
a) In his opinion, having regard to the information available to him, the approval of the application would result in the overcrowding of the council residential property concerned; or
b) The applicant has been in default and is still owing money to the council for any fee or charge levied in connection with council residential property in the area.

Lodger’s fees

19. (1) Any person permitted to reside within the area as a lodger shall pay to the director, monthly, in advance, such lodger’s fee as may be prescribed in by-laws made by the Council.
(2) If a lodger fails to pay the lodger’s fee in terms of subsection (1), the director may, upon giving forty-eight hours’ notice–
a. Summarily evict the lodger from the council residential property; and
b. Cancel the lodger’s authorization to reside in the Council residential property.

Eviction of lodgers

20. If the holder of a certificate of occupation in respect of Council property occupied by a lodger wishes to evict the lodger, he shall inform the director, who shall determine a reasonable period of notice and order the lodger to vacate the property accordingly:
Provided that the director shall not give the lodger less than one month’s notice to vacate the property.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free