Bulawayo City Council




1. These by-laws may be cited as the Bulawayo (Sewerage, Drainage and Water) Bylaws, 1980.


2. These by-laws shall apply to –

a) the council area;

b) any local government area the administration, control and management of which is vested in the council in terms of section 5A of the Act;

c) any other area the administration and control of which is vested in the council;

d) any property outside the limits of the council area to which a water-connexion from a municipal supply has been provided or from which a connexion to the municipal sewerage system has been installed.


Interpretation of terms

3. In these by-laws-

“approved” means approved by the council or by any employee of the council to whom its powers of approval have been delegated in terms of section 93 of the Act;

“bore-hole” means any well, drill-hole or shaft, or any other hole in the ground, from which underground water is obtained;

“communication-pipe” means any pipe leading from a main to the premises of any consumer as far as the street boundary of such premises which is situated nearest to such main, or, in a case where the meter is installed inside the premises of any consumer, as far as the inlet of the meter;

“consumer” means the occupier of any premises which the council has agreed to supply with water, or the owner of such premises, or any other person who has entered into a contract with the council for the supply of water or who is lawfully obtaining water from the council;

“council” means the City Council of Bulawayo;

“domestic purposes” includes every kind of household purpose, but does not include the use of water for any engine or machine, or for any mining or quarrying operations, or for the flushing of any sewer or drain or for any purpose connected with any trade, manufacture or business, or for the cleansing of any road, or for garden purposes, or for watering of any tennis-court or bowling-green, or any other ground used for sporting purposes;

“main” means any pipe, aqueduct or other work under the exclusive control of the council, and used by it for the purpose of conveying water to consumers, but does not include a communication-pipe;

“maintenance” includes repair and renewal;

“occupier” includes any person in actual occupation of premises, without regard to the title under which he occupies and, in the case of premises subdivided and let to lodgers or various tenants, includes the person receiving the rent payable by the lodgers or tenants, 1962 whether on his own account or as agent for any person entitled thereto or interested therein;

“owner” includes any person receiving the rent or profit of any premises from any tenant or occupier thereof, or who would receive such rent or profit if such premises were let, whether on his own account or as agent for any person entitled thereto or interested therein; coupling and necessary unions for connexion to such meter;

“premises” means land or any improvements or part thereof on any land;

“prescribed”, in relation to any tariff, deposit or charge in respect of a service provided –

a) to or in connexion with residential accommodation in an area referred to in paragraph (b) of section 2, means fixed in by-laws made by the council for such area; or

b) in any other case, means fixed by resolution of the council in terms of section 172 of the Act;

“service”, for the purpose of Parts II, III, and IV, means all pipes, fittings and apparatus used or intended to be used for or in connexion with the supply of water by the council and situated on the premises occupied or owned by the consumer, but does not include the communication-pipe or the meter or any portion thereof;

“sewage” means waste water, soil-water or other liquid waste, including trade effluent, but excluding storm-water, surface-water, subsoil-water or spring-water; “sewer” means a pipe used for conveying sewage, and includes all other things necessary in connexion therewith;

“sewer-connexion” means that portion of a pipe which is provided to connect a private sewer or combined private sewer with a public sewer and the ownership of which is vested in the council;

“stand” means a piece of land the boundaries of which are indicated on a registered diagram or plan, and which has been numbered or indicated as a plot, lot or stand, 1963 farm or portion of a farm, reserve or open space, in the office of the registrar of deeds or the mining commissioner, including a subdivision thereof, which has been duly registered or which has been sanctioned by the council or the Government, and a consolidation of two or more such pieces of land intended to be used as a plot, lot or stand, farm or portion of a farm, reserve or open space;

“trade effluent” means any liquid, with or without particles of matter suspended therein, which is wholly or partly produced by, or results from, or has been or was intended to be used in, any trading, business, commercial, manufacturing or industrial process, and includes domestic sewage where mixed with trade effluent.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free