Bulawayo City Council




Application for connexion and discharge of trade effluent

4. 1. Where a person wishes to connect any private sewer or private drain to a public sewer to a public drain, application for a sewer or drainage connexion, as the case may be, shall be made to the council on the form provided by the council for the purpose, which shall be submitted with applications for approval of plans to undertake sewerage and drainage work, as required in terms of the council’s building by-laws.

2. Where a person wishes to discharge trade effluent into any public sewer or public drain, or to alter, in any respect, any discharge previously approved, application shall be made to the council on the form provided by the council for the purpose.

3. Unless application has been made in terms of subsection (1) or (2), as the case may be, and approved by the council, no person shall –

a) connect any private sewer or private drain to a public sewer or public drain; or

b) discharge any trade effluent into any public sewer or public drain.


Connections generally

5. 1. The council shall, in every case in which a private sewer is to be connected to a public sewer, specify the position on the public sewer to which the private sewer may be connected, and at what depth below the surface of the ground the connexion shall meet the private sewer.

2. The Council shall, in every case in which a private drain is to be connected to a public drain, specify the position on the public drain to which the private drain may be connected.

3. No person shall subdivide any stand unless proper provision has been made, to the satisfaction of the council, for the drainage and sewerage of each and every portion of such stand.

Openings to be sealed if required

6. 1. The council may require the owner of any premises, within such reasonable time as it may specify, to close and seal up the opening of any sewerage or drainage work upon the premises which is, or shows signs of becoming, dangerous or unhealthy, and, if the owner fails to comply with such requirement, the council may close and seal up such opening, at the owner’s expense.

2. Where an opening has been closed and sealed in terms of subsection (1) the owner of the premises concerned shall ensure that it is kept properly closed and sealed until such time as the council, by written notice, permits the seal to be removed.

3. No person shall –

a) Break or remove, or cause or permit to be broken or removed, a seal on; or

b) Open, or cause or permit to be opened; any sewerage or drainage work which has been closed and sealed in terms of subsection (1)

4. The occupier of any premises upon which the opening of any sewerage or drainage work has been closed and sealed in terms of subsection (1) shall notify the council as soon as he becomes aware that the seal has been broken or removed or such work has been opened in contravention of the provisions of this section.


Entry of matters to sewers and drains

7. No person shall cause or permit any liquid or solid matter to enter any sewerage or drainage work –

a) the opening of which has been sealed up and closed in terms of subsection (1) of section 6 until the removal of such seal has been authorized by written notice addressed by the council to the owner of the premises upon which such sewerage or drainage work is situated;

b) if the discharge of such matter into such sewerage or drainage work is prohibited by these by-laws.

Protection of public sewers

8. 1. No person shall discharge or put, or cause or permit to be discharged or to be put, into any public sewer any sewage or other substance which –

a) is in the form of gas or steam, or has a temperature higher than forty-five degrees Celsius; or

b) contains any calcium carbide or any other substance of whatsoever nature which is likely to produce or give off explosive, inflammable, poisonous or offensive gases, fumes or vapours; or

c) contains a substance which has an open flash-point of less than ninety-five degree Celsius, or

d) shows any visible signs of tar or associated products or distillates, bitumens or asphalts.

2. No person shall, except with the written permission of the council, and subject to such conditions as it may impose discharge or put, or cause or permit to be discharged or to be put, into any public sewer –

a) anything containing any substance in such quantities that, whether alone or in combination with other matter, it is likely to -

i. cause a nuisance to the public or injury or danger to the health of persons entering the public sewers or others; or

ii. impede the flow in the public sewers; or


iii. cause injury or damage to the public sewers or to any structures or any plant or land or crops used for the treatment or disposal of sewage; or

iv. affect injuriously the re-use of treated sewage or any of the processes whereby sewage is treated ; or

b) any liquid or solid substance which is of such strength or is amenable to treatment only to such degree that, after treatment at the sewage-treatment works, the effluent produced therefrom will not conform to the standards of quality prescribed by section 3 of the Water (Effluent and Waste Water Standard) Regulations, 1977, published in Rhodesia Government Notice 687 of 1977; or

c) any liquid which has a pH value less than six comma five or greater than twelve.

Discharge of trade effluent

9. 1. The council may, in its absolute discretion, permit the entry of trade effluent to the public sewerage system where, in the opinion of the council, sufficient capacity is available to convey the trade effluent in addition to the ordinary flow of domestic sewage:

Provided that the discharge of trade effluent accepted into the public sewers shall be subject to such charge for conveyance in the public sewers and for treatment and disposal at the council’s purification works, in accordance with their natural strength and volume, as may be prescribed by the council.

2. The council may, by notice served on the owner or occupier of any premises from which a trade effluent is discharged, require him, without derogation from any other provision of these by-laws, to do all or any of the following things:

a) regulate the temperature of the trade effluent at the time when it is discharged into the public sewer;

b) subject the effluent before it is discharged into the public sewer to such pre-treatment or modification of the effluent cycle of the industrial or trade process as the council deems necessary;


c) restrict the discharge of the effluent to certain specified hours and the rate of discharge to a specified maximum, and to install, at his own expense, such tanks, valves, appliances and other equipment as may be necessary for compliance with the said restrictions;

d) construct, at his expense, an inspection chamber of such dimensions as it may require on any pipe or channel which conveys trade effluent to a private sewer or public sewer;

e) provide or construct, at his expense, such tanks, valves, appliances or other protective works which will prevent the accidental discharge into the public sewer of any materials or liquid delivered or being delivered to, or from, or stored on, the premises the discharge of which would be a contravention of these by-laws.

Protection of public drains

10. 1. No person shall discharge or deposit, or cause or permit to be discharged or to be deposited, into any public drain, either directly or through any private drain, any solid matter, suspended matter, mud, chemical, oil, grease, trade effluent or other refuse which maya) cause a nuisance; or

b) obstruct the flow in the public drain; or

c) may be injurious to the structure of the public drain or the operation thereof.

2. No person shall discharge or cause or permit to fall, flow or enter, or be carried or washed into any public drain, whether directly or through any private drain, any liquid other than rain-water, subsoil-water or spring-water, except with the prior written permission of the council, and subject to such conditions as it may impose.

Obstruction of public sewers and public drains

11. 1. No person shall interfere with, break into, damage, remove any part of or obstruct any public sewer or public drain, or any access thereto.

2. The owner or occupier of any premises on which is situated any public sewer or public drain shall ensure that access


to such public sewer or public drain is always readily available, and that no obstruction occurs to or over any manhole or inspection chamber, or to any chamber, ventilation-pipe or other appliance associated with any such public sewer or public drain.

Clearance of obstructions in private sewers and private drains

12. 1. Where, at the request of the owner of any premises, the council has cleared a private sewer or private drain situate on the premises of any obstruction, the owner shall be liable for the cost incurred by the council in clearing such obstruction or for the charge prescribed for such work, whichever is the greater.

2. The owners of any premises served by a combined private sewer or a combined private drain shall be liable, in such proportions as the council shall deem just, for the cost of clearing any obstruction from such combined sewer or combined drain, or for the charge prescribed for such work, whichever is the greater:

Provided that, if the obstruction is found in a section of the private sewer or private drain used by one occupier or owner, the cost of clearing such obstruction shall be borned by the owner of the property served by such section of such private sewer or private drain.

Removal of trade effluent or trade refuse

13. 1. Where the discharge of trade effluent or trade refuse, either solid or liquid, is prohibited in terms of section 4, 8 or 10, alternative disposal arrangements shall be provided by the owner or the occupier of the premises, to the satisfaction of the council.

2. The council may, subject to such conditions as it may impose, provide a service for the removal of any trade waste referred to in subsection (1).

3. All trade waste removed by the council in terms of subsection (2) or deposited for removal in any receptacle provided for the purpose shall be the property of the council, and no person, other than a council employee, shall remove or interfere with any such trade waste, except with the written permission of the council.

4. The cost of removal of any trade waste by the council in terms of subsection (2) shall be recoverable from the owner or the occupier of the premises from which it is to be removed.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free