Bulawayo City Council





Application for supply of water

14. 1. Where a person wishes to obtain a supply of water from a main, application shall be made on the forms provided by the council for the purpose, and the applicant shall sign such forms and any contract or agreement appertaining thereto, indicating his acceptance of the conditions of supply as set out therein.

2. Unless an application has been made in terms of subsection (1), and approved by the council, no person shall connect any service to, or take any water from, any main.

Provision of communication-pipe

15. 1. Upon an agreement having been entered into between the council and any person in regard to the supply of water to premises, and after payment of the prescribed charges and deposits, the council shall provide and install a communication-pipe to such premises on a line to be determined by the council, and the council shall, at its own cost and expense, thereafter maintain such communication-pipe.

2. The council may, on giving not less than one month’s notice to the owner, alter the position of the communication-pipe and carry out such alterations to the consumer’s service-pipe as may be necessary to connect to the new communication-pipe.

3. For the purpose of supplying water thereto, a separate communication-pipe shall be provided in respect of each and every premise in single ownership or any portion thereof in separate occupation: Provided that one communication-pipe shall be permitted by the council for the supply of water to a group or block of dwellings, flats, shops, offices or other buildings in single ownership where the owner or occupier thereof undertakes to pay for the water supplied to each of the buildings or units comprising such group or block.

4. Where, in terms of subsection (3), more than one building, dwelling, flat, shop or suite of offices is supplied form one


communication-pipe, the owner of the premises concerned shall fix a stop-tap on each branch pipe leading therefrom to each such building, dwelling, flat, shop or suite of offices for the purpose of turning off the supply to each of such premises without interrupting the supply to the others.

Cutting off supply

16. 1. Without paying compensation and without derogation from its rights to obtain payment for water supplied to the consumer, the council may, after not less than twenty-four hours’ notice, cut off or restrict the supply to any consumer where such consumer has –

a) failed to pay due date any sum due to the council under these by-laws in respect of such supply; or

b) committed a breach of any of the provisions of these by-laws relating to the waste or misuse of water or contamination of the council’s supply.

2. Where his water-supply has been cut off in terms of subsection (1), a consumer shall pay to the council the prescribed charge for cutting off water, unless he establishes that the council was not entitled to cut off such supply.

3. In the event of the council at any time resuming the supply of water to a consumer whose supply has been cut off or restricted in terms of subsection(1), the consumer shall pay to the council the prescribed charge, unless he establishes that the council was not entitled to cut off or restrict such supply.

Disconnection of supply on termination of agreement

17. 1. Where any consumer requires an agreement for supply to be terminated, he shall give a minimum of forty-eight hours’ written notice on the form provided by the council, and shall be liable to pay for all water supplied up to the expiration of such notice.

2. Where any agreement for supply between the council and the consumer has been terminated in terms of subsection (1), the council shall be entitled to disconnect such supply:

Provided that no such discnonnexion shall be carried out where a new consumer accepts liability for payment for water consumed


From the date of the previous ordinary reading of the meter or for a special reading of the meter at the prescribed rates.


18. The council undertakes only to supply potable water suitable for domestic purposes.


19. 1. Subject to the provisions of this Part, no under-taking or guarantee shall be presumed on the part of the council to maintain any specified pressure of water at any time at any point in the council’s water-system.

2. The council undertakes only to supply water under pressure at the meter, and, where application is made for a supply of water and that supply is required to serve any premises or portion of premises situated above a level which can be served by the normal pressure in the council’s water main, or where the pressure is insufficient to maintain an adequate supply to all fittings, it shall be incumbent upon the applicant to provide adequate and satisfactory means of supplementing the rate of supply by means of a gravitytank, reserve storage-tank or approved booster-pump system. Special conditions relating to supply of water by portable meter

20. Without derogation from other provision of these by-laws, the following special provisions shall apply to the supply of water by portable meter, and shall be deemed to have been included in every agreement for such supply –

a) Where water is to be supplied by the council from hydrants, the council shall supply a portable meter-unit;

b) the consumer shall pay to the council in advance, the prescribed deposit in respect of each portable meter-unit supplied, which deposit shall be held by the council as security for the due fulfillment of all provisions of any agreement relating to the supply of such unit and the payment by the consumer to the council for all water supplied to him and any other sums due by him to the council under such agreement;


c) the consumer shall pay a charge for water so supplied and for the use of the portable meter-unit at the prescribed rate;

d) all accounts for water so supplied shall be paid by the consumer to the council within fifteen days of the date of rendering by the council;

e) where water is taken by the consumer form a hydrant without such water passing through the portable meter, or where water is wasted before passing through such portable meter, the prescribed charge shall be paid by the consumer to the council for every day during which water is so taken or such waste continues;

f) the consumer shalli. upon taking delivery of the portable meter-unit, sign a receipt acknowledging such unit to be in good order and condition;

ii. maintain and return such unit in the same good order and condition, fair wear and tear excepted;

g) If the consumer fails to return the portable meter-unit, he shall pay to the council the cost of a new unit or, if he returns such unit in a damaged condition, he shall pay to the council the cost of a new unit or the cost of repairs where such damaged unit can be satisfactorily repaired;

h) The consumer shall take delivery of, and shall return, the portable meter-unit at such place as the council may from time to time direct.

Supplies for building purposes

21. 1. Where, upon the application of any owner, builder or other person, a temporary supply of water for building purposes is laid on to any premises, the cost of providing and fixing the communication-pipe and the meter shall be borned by such owner, builder or other person in accordance with the rates prescribed.

2. Such owner, builder or other person shall pay for water supplied according to the prescribed tariff.

3. If suitable for the purpose, the same communication-pipe as is supplied under this section may be used for the permanent 1973 supply to the premises, and any connexion in respect of such permanent supply made with the service shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Part.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free