Bulawayo City Council



Conditions of supply of reclaimed water

33. 1. The council may supply reclaimed water to such consumers as it shall determine by resolution, and in such quantities and under such conditions as it may specify in each case.

2. The provisions of Parts II and III shall apply to the supply of reclaimed water, but the water so supplied shall be a non-potable water which is not suitable for domestic purposes.

Distribution pipe-work

34. 1. Water supplied to a consumer from a reclaimed-water main shall be distributed in a reticulation system which shall be entirely separate from any system for the distribution of potable water.

2. No person shall connect any source of reclaimed water to any pipe, storagetank, cistern or other appliance which is connected with the council’s potable domestic water-supply.

3. All pipe-connexions from a reclaimed-water distribution network to any irrigation system shall be below ground –level, and operating valves and valve-box covers shall be painted bright yellow in colour.


4. Any above-ground pipe-work used for the distribution of reclaimed water shall be painted bright yellow in colour on all exposed surfaces throughout its length.

Warning notices

35. 1. On all premises supplied with reclaimed water, warning notices in red lettering at least forty millimeters in height on a bright yellow background shall be provided at all entrances to such premises, on all storage-tanks and cisterns, and at such other points as the council may require.

2. The wording of notices required in terms of subsection (1) shall provide a warning to indicate that reclaimed water is in use or in storage, and is unfit for human consumption, and, where required by the council, such notices shall be provided in both English and Sindebele.

3. The consumer shall maintain such notices in a legible and serviceable condition, to the satisfaction of the council. Standard of purity

36. The standard of purity of any reclaimed water supplied by the council shall be as specified in the Schedule to the Public Health (Effluent) Regulations, 1972, published in Rhodesia Government Notice 638 of 1972.

Restricted use

37. No person shall use any reclaimed water for the irrigation of any land on which salad crops, vegetable crops or berry fruits, which are to be eaten raw, are grown.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free