Bulawayo City Council


Part VI


Interference with water system

38. 1. No person, other than the duly authorized representative of the council, shall interfere with, or break open, any public fountain, stop-cock, hydrant, valve, meter, communication-pipe, meter-cabinet, pipe-work or other apparatus belonging to the council.


2. No person shall do any willful act whereby water belonging to the council and flowing in the council’s pipes is wasted.

Pollution of supply

39. No person shall -

bathe in any stream, reservoir, aqueduct or other place which contains water with, the supply of water to the inhabitants of the area of supply, or wash or throw, or cause or permit to enter therein, any animal, except with the written permission of the council or except where a notice has been erected by the council in the vicinity of such stream, reservoir, aqueduct or other place stating that bathing or the entry of animals is permitted in such stream, reservoir, aqueduct or other place;


b) throw any rubbish, dirt, filth or other deleterious matter into such stream, reservoir, aqueduct or other place, or wash or cleanse therein any cloth, wool, clothes or leather, or the skin of any animal, or other matter; or

c) cause or permit the water of any sink, sewer, drain, steam-engine or boiler, or other unclean water or liquid for the control of which he is responsible, to run or be brought into any such stream, reservoir, aqueduct or other place, or any main, or perform any other act whereby the water of the council intended for supply to the inhabitants of the area of supply may be polluted.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free