Bulawayo City Council




Applications respecting bore-holes

40. 1. No person shall, without the prior written permission of the council, and, except under such conditions as the council may specify, sink or dig a borehole on any stand.

2. Where a person wishes to obtain the permission of the council in terms of subsection (1), he shalla) make written application to the council at least fourteen days prior to undertaking any work; and


b) Submit with the application an accurately drawn plan, to and scale of at least one to five hundred, indicating there on the site of the bore-hole and the position of any aqua-privy, pit-latrine, septic tank or French drain in the vicinity; and

c) Provide details of the bore-hole respecting its diameter, the purpose for which the water is required and any further specifications, particulars of other information as the council may reasonably require.

3. Any person drawing water from any bore-hole shall register such bore-hole with the council when called upon to do so. Conditions relating to siting of bore-holes

41. 1. No bore-hole shall be sited on any stand within a registered servitude or way-leave.

2. No person shall -

Dig or sink a bore-hole which will be situated less thani. thirty meters from any aqua-privy, pit-latrine, cesspit, septic tank or French drain;


ii. three meters from the boundary drain;


iii. Provided that, if the water from a bore-hole is to be used solely for gardening purposes, such bore-hole may be sunk at a distance of not less than ten meters from an aqua-privy, pit-latrine, cesspit, septic tank or French drain;

b) site an aqua-privy, pit-latrine, cesspit, septic tank or French drain less than thirty meters from a bore-hole the water from which is used for drinking purposes of for watering animals.


42. The work of drilling or sinking a bore-hole shall be executed only between 7a.m. and 6p.m. from Mondays to Fridays, inclusive, and between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Saturdays:

Provided that the council may, in its discretion, further restrict the hours during which drilling or sinking shall be executed in any place or area.



43. 1. No pump-house or other structure housing a pump or other mechanized or electrical equipment associated with a bore-hole shall extend more than seven hundred and fifty millimeters above ground-level, unless in a structure and on a site approved by the council.

2. Every bore-hole which is dug or sunk after the date of commencement of these by-laws shall be lined for a distance of at least nine meters below the surface of the ground with an impervious lining which shall project at least two hundred and fifty millimeters above the surface of the ground.

Use of bore-hole water

44. 1. No person shall use water from a bore-hole for drinking purposes or for watering animals if such bore-hole is situated less than thirty meters from an aqua-privy, pit-latrine, cesspit, septic tank or French drain.

2. The owner or occupier of any stand to which a supply of municipal water is not available, and in respect of which water from a bore-hole is used for domestic purposes shall, at all times, comply with the requirements of the medical officer of health appointed by the council with regard to such water.

Connexion between bore-hole and other supplies

45. 1. No person shall cause or permit any water derived from a bore-hole or other source, including the council’s raw and reclaimed water-supplies, to enter any pipe connected with the council’s domestic water-supply.

2. The council’s domestic water-supply system shall not be connected to any pipe or system shall not be connected to any pipe or system of pipes which themselves are fed with water from a bore-hole or other source.

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  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free