Bulawayo City Council


48 Hour Water Shedding

The City of Bulawayo would like to advise that the major aspects of the rehabilitation of the Criterion Water Treatment Plant have been finalized and we are currently working on completing the rest of the works at the plant.

We would like to extend our appreciation to the residents of the City of Kings for their patience during the refurbishment of the plant and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that has been brought about by the intermittent water supply.

In the meantime, we would like to advise residents of the resumption of the 48-hour water Shedding programme with effect from Monday the 15th of July 2019.

Closing Opening
Areas Reservoir Day Time Day Time
Nkulumane, Nketa, Sizinda, Tshabalala, Bellevue, Newton West, West Somerton CRITERION MONDAY 0730hrs WEDNESDAY 0730hrs
Emganwini, Pumula, Nketa 9 CRITERION WEDNESDAY 0730hrs FRIDAY 0730hrs
Cowdray Park,Emakhandeni,Gwabalanda,Maplanka MAGWEGWE MONDAY 0730hrs WEDNESDAY 0730hrs
Luveve, Magwegwe, Njube, Entumbane, Mpopoma, Lobengula, Mabuthweni, Iminyela, Pelandaba, Matshobane MAGWEGWE WEDNESDAY 0730hrs FRIDAY 0730hrs
Lochview, Sunninghill, Marlands, Glencoe, Riverside, Willsgroove,Waterford, Manningdale,Buenavista, DouglasDale THULI THURSDAY 0730hrs SATURDAY 0730hrs
Esigodini, Imbizo Barracks, Fortunesgate, Selbourne park, Matsheumhlophe, Parklands, Khumalo, Surbubs, Mahatshula, Woodville, Kingsdale, Queenspark THULI TUESDAY 0730hrs THURSDAY 0730hrs
Harrisvale, Jungle, Trenance, Richmond, Sauerstown, Neqi RIFFLE RANGE WEDNESDAY 0730hrs FRIDAY 0730hrs
Babourfields, Mzilikazi, Nguboyenja, Makokoba RIFFLE RANGE MONDAY 0730hrs WEDNESDAY 0730hrs
Hillside South, South Riding, Fourwinds, Hillside, Northernd, Tegela, Romney Park, Paddonhurst 6J MONDAY 0730hrs WEDNESDAY 0730hrs
Sunnyside, Morningside, Rowena, Montrose, Southwold, Greernhill, Barham green, Kenilworth, Ilanda, Burnside HIILSIDE MONDAY 0730hrs WEDNESDAY 0730hrs
Mbalabala Barracks, Mzinyathini Irrigation Scheme RAW WATER MONDAY 0730hrs WEDNESDAY 0730hrs


The City appeals to consumers to adhere to the , Mines rationing limits as shown below:

Category of Users Current Water Rationing Allocations
High density houses 450 litres/day
Low density houses 650 litres/day
Cottages, Servants Quarters 650 litres/day
All residential flats with bulk meters 70% of average water period ending March 2017
All residential flats with individual meters 400 litres/day
Multipurpose buildings with bulk meter 70% of average water six months period ending March 2017
Hotels 95% of average water six months period ending March 2017
Hospitals and Clinics 95% of average water six months period ending March 2017
Industrial Consumers 90% of average water six months period ending March 2017
Water based industries 95% of average water six months period ending March 2017
Restaurants 95% of average water six months period ending September 2018
Commercial consumers, schools, churches,institutions, sports clubs etc. 95% of average water six months period ending March 2017
Industrial Consumers 90% of average water six months period ending March 2017
Peri urban Esigodini, Matopos, Llewellyn barracks, Sigola and Duncan villages 75% of average water six months period ending March 2017
Mzinyathini Irrigation scheme 65% of entitlement (for domestic consumption only) for the six months period ending March 2017
New water connections Connections to vacant stands and areas outside Bulawayo will be suspended


For those who exceed their water allocations, penalties will be effected against them. The current tariff for penalty is $2.50 per kiloliter and are effected for the domestic users and the rest remain the same as before. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of the water rationing scheme is guilty of an offence.

Consumers are urged to monitor their water consumption daily by reading their meters. This helps detect any unnecessary loss of water.

The following restrictions remain in force as per current scenario:

Advert Number: 7061


Date: Sunday, 14 July 2019

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free