Bulawayo City Council


Chamber Secretary

Consult Related Services


The chamber secretary is responsible for the provision of an efficient and effective secretariat service to the council, its committees and sub committees;

  • That is agenda compilation – to provide council/councillors with relevant data/ information so that the can make informed decisions.
  • Agenda dispatch – to ensure that councillors receive their agenda on time, so that they make adequate preparations for meetings.
  • Minuting reports/ agenda – to record discussions at council, committee and sub committee meetings in terms of laid down procedures, for example urban councils act: chapter 29:15. Permanent record of meetings proceedings.
  • Actioning of resolutions – to ensure compliance in implementing various council decisions / procedures.
  • And minute binding/ indexing – to keep / maintain up to date records.

To provide an efficient and effective legal and estate management service to council;

  • That is; legal services – to have a legally compliant council.
  • Conveyancing – to provide efficient and timeous conveyancing service to residents of Bulawayo.
  • And shop licensing – clear backlog to zero.

To facilitate implementation of all approved programmes for sections in the Town Clerk’s and Chamber Secretary’s Departments.

  • That is human resources management – to develop an efficient and effective workforce for the two departments.
  • Budget compilation and implementation – to co-ordinate budget preparation and implementation for the Town Clerk’s and Chamber Secretary’s Departments.
  • Records management – to provide systematic information storage and retrieval.
  • And typing services to provide an efficient and effective typing service to the Town Clerk and Chamber Secretary’s Departments.

To provide an efficient and effective emergency service:

  • That is fire prevention – to provide awareness and reduce incidents of fire.
  • Fire fighting and operations – to save lives and property and render humanitarian services in the event of an emergency or disaster.
  • And ambulance services – to provide efficient and effective pre - hospital care.

Department Sections

Sections Include:

  • Legal
  • Fire and Ambulance
  • Committees
  • Security and Traffic
  • Administration

Security and Traffic Section

The Security and Traffic Section was established under Section 142 of the Urban Councils Act [Chapter 55:5], which states:

Uniformed employees

1. Without derogation from section one hundred and forty-one:
a. a Council may appoint in terms of that section employees for the purpose of assisting in the control and protection of the property under the control of the council;
b. a municipal Council may appoint in terms of that section Parking Supervisors to assist the police in the enforcement of any enactment to which the Municipal By-Laws Enforcement Act [Chapter 29:10] applies.

2. An employee appointed for the purpose specified in paragraph (a) and (b) of sub-section (1) may, when in uniform and upon proof of his appointment, demand the name and address of any person reasonably suspected by him of having committed any offence in relation to any property of or service or amenities provided by the council.

3. An employee appointed for the purpose in paragraph (b) of sub-section (1) may, when in uniform and upon proof of his appointment, demand the name and address of any person reasonably suspected by him of having committed any offence in terms of any enactment to which the Municipal Traffic Laws Enforcement Act [Chapter 29:10] applies.

4. A person who: a. when demand is made to him in terms of sub-section (2) and (3) fails to furnish his name and address; or
b. hinders or obstructs or uses foul, abusive or insulting language towards or at the employee appointed for the purpose specified in sub-section (1) whilst that employee is engaged within the execution of his duties;

Shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level 5 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both fine and imprisonment.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free