Bulawayo City Council


Town Clerk's Department



The Town Clerk's Department's main function is to provide administrative direction to the Council's affairs and is headed by the Town Clerk, Mr. Christopher Dube who is the Chief Executive Officer. The department manages and guides the Municipal organisation in accordance to the statutory powers and duties conferred on the Council by statutes and policies laid down by the Government of Zimbabwe and Municipal by laws.

The Town Clerk's Department comprises of 6 (six) functional sections.

Audit Section

Headed by the Chief Internal Auditor, the section provides internal audit services to the Council and ensures reliability, adequacy and integrity of financial information to the stakeholders.

  • Ensures compliance with Council policies, plans, procedures, laws and regulations,
  • Ensures that departmental operations / activities are conducted in an economic, efficient and effective manner.
  • Ensure accomplishment of established goals and objectives for operations or programmes
  • To safeguard and ensure physical existence of Council assets and minimize losses.

City Economic Development Unit

The Section is headed by the City Economic Development Officer and its key result area is to promote investment into the City of Bulawayo. The promotes the City by participating in local and international exhibitions (funds permitting). The Section hosts visiting foreign business and other delegations, deals with applications for investment into the City by recommending allocation of industrial stands. Other key results areas of the Section include:-

  • Establishment and development of co-operation arrangements between Bulawayo and other cities to facilitate and promote co-operation in economic development trade culture
  • Constant review of processes and procedures to eliminate bureaucracies in the facilitation of investments.
  • Encouraging Bulawayans in the Diaspora to invest monies' back home
  • Participation in the development of the Trans “ Limpopo Spatial Development Initiative
  • Provision of support services to the Development Committee for the City of Bulawayo.
  • Assessment of appreciations /project proposals for investments and subsequent allocations of stands for industrial development

Corporate Communication Section

The Section is headed by the Senior Public Relations officer and its Key Result Areas are:

  • Relationship Building to cultivate a sense of ownership of the City through educative meetings
  • Information dissemination to disseminate timely and accurate information about the Bulawayo City Council
  • To create, manage and improve the image of the Bulawayo City Council and the City of Bulawayo
  • To market the city of Bulawayo locally by establishing networking partnerships with various stakeholders e.g. government, non-governmental organizations, businesses and commerce.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free