Bulawayo City Council


Community Services

1. How does one become a member of a library?

a) You must be a bona fide resident of the area where the library you want to join is situated. Produce proof of residence.
(b) If you are a minor, your parent/guardian must sign your membership form.
(c) Pay the relevant membership fee and obtain a receipt.

2. Why is Council not offering Vocational Workshops, Homecraft Centres and Recreational activities in all new suburbs built after independence?

Council will love all suburbs to have all the facilities and services provided in all the four corners of the city including the up and coming suburbs. Funding has been the major reasons why these have not been put up. In every suburb Council has land reserved for such centres and the city's strategic plan provides for construction of the said centres. As funding and cash flows become available and improve these centres will be set up.

3. Why do you not have internet services in the municipal libraries?

Currently there is no internet service in our libraries because of lack of funding, however, we believe that Council will introduce this important service as soon as funding becomes available.

4. Are your libraries for children only?

No. Our libraries cater for everyone in the community including children, adults, students from the local colleges and universities.

5. Is entrance into the library restricted to members only?

No. The library is a public amenity that can be visited by anyone, however, only paid-up members are allowed to borrow books.

6. How do Council schools differ from Government schools?

Government in 1987 through the Education Act (Sec. 8) charged Urban Councils to build and administer schools in their jurisdiction. This for starters began with the City of Bulawayo and Harare. The government's intention was to eventually extend the administration of government primary schools as well to the cities once the Councils had gained the requisite experience.
In Council schools, government is responsible for the teaching staff while Council provides the ancillary staff for the day to day operations. Whilst Government schools receive grants from the government, Council schools are funded by Council through ratepayers and only receive per-capita grants from time to time. This then causes the disparity in terms of fees charged in these two categories of schools.
Council has over the years adopted the tuition fees pegged by the government and in addition charges a levy which is approved by the government for administration purposes, purchasing of textbooks, sporting equipment and other related materials for running its schools.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free