Bulawayo City Council


Engineering Services

1. How does one gain permission to drill wells/boreholes?

Council only gives permission to drill these, we do not do the drilling. One has to come to floor 5 and get an application form which he/she completes and attach a site plan showing the size of the stand and all the permanent features on the stand.
Our Inspector then goes to site to inspector the stand so that he either approves or disapproves the application. The application fee for this is $44.00. Should the application be approved, the consumer is supposed to register the borehole with ZINWA after the drilling is complete. It is a government required that has to be followed.

2. How does one apply for a water rebate that is a resultant of leaks?

Rebate forms are completed and left at consumers Section at the Revenue Hall and are forwarded to the Senior Engineer for Distribution Mr. S. Ncube who then assesses them and comes up with the Rebates to be credited to consumers accounts.

3. What are the requirements for new sewer connections?

One is supposed to come to floor 5 for a quotation for sewer connection which is $61,77. The consumer is also given a list of material to be used for connection which he/she is supposed to buy. After paying the said amount, the consumer is supposed to take his/her receipt to the building inspector who then writes a letter to our department. The letter should bear the stand number, amount paid and receipt number. We then write a works order to our workshops for them to proceed with the connection.

4. What are the requirements for new water connections?

Council does not connect water on stands where there hasn’t been any construction, so one is required to have finished building either and cottage or the main house thus to avoid a situation whereby these consumers end up using municipal water for building.
In order for a new water connection application to be processed one is required to bring a letter from the building inspector to show that the consumer has finished building and is now in need of water for domestic purposes. The consumer is then required to complete an application form which is left overnight with the staff concerned while a quotation is being worked out and written at the back of the form. Consumers are also required to buy their own water meters which are tested by our water workshops before installation. A fee is charged for testing the meter.

5. What is the procedure of reporting of Water bursts and leaks?

These are forwarded to the Main Water Workshops, 13th Avenue Extension.

6. What is the procedure of reporting of Sewer blockages?

These are forwarded to the Sewage Depot, Lobengula Street and Masotsha Ndlovu.

7. What is the Procedure for emptying of Septic Tanks?

One is supposed to come to tower block, floor 5 to get a quotation, which is $211,60 (incl. VAT) per load i.e. for domestic consumers $280 (Excl. 15% VAT) for institutions and $320 (Excl. 15% VAT) for industries. After collecting the quotation, the consumer goes to make payment at the Revenue Hall. After making payment, the consumer is required to proceed to the Water Enquiries Counter still within the Revenue Hall to leave their details i.e. Name, Address, Receipt Number and amount paid. These details are then forwarded to the Sewage Depot so that the job can be done.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free