Bulawayo City Council


Personal Health Branch

The Personal Health Branch is responsible for curative, preventive and promotive primary health care services.

There are 20 clinics which offer integrated, comprehensive services and one infectious diseases hospital.

The branch also runs STI and Reproductive Health/Family Planning Training Units.


The functions of the branches are as follows:

1. Outpatient Care 2. Maternity Care 3. Child and Adolescent Health care 4. Prevention of Parent to child Transmission of HIV 5. Co-ordination of Community Participation for Health Initiatives.

1. Outpatient Care

This aspect of clinic services comprises of the convention curative services, such as management of minor ailments and injuries, dental care, management of patient with chronic conditions and mental ill-health.

Two most important public health concerns of today are case finding and case holding of patient with tuberculosis and management and counseling of patient and their partners with sexually transmitted infections and HIV. These groups of patients are attended to at all clinics and the most modern approaches, such as DOTS (Directly Observed Therapy, Short Course) and syndromic STI management, and applied.

2. Maternity Care

This includes various pregnancy related services, such as ante-natal care, care of delivery and post-natal care. Deliveries are conducted in four clinics. Family planning services, including voluntary surgical contraception performed in a day surgery unit and hormonal implant method, are also available.

3. Child and Adolescent Health Care

Immunizations, growth monitoring, encouragement of breast feeding, advice on child nutrition and screen for neurodevelopment abnormalities in childhood are provided in the clinics. The immunization programme provides children with vaccines against tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles and hepatitis B.

The department has recognized the need for social attention in providing health services, and reproductive health services in particular, to adolescent. All clinics have special trained nurses who are able to attend to youth in a friendly and non-judgmental manner.

4. Nkulumane Clinic New Start Centre

This unit was opened in April 2000. It is manned by two trained counselors who provide voluntary HIV counseling and testing services for a nominal fee. Its patronage has been satisfactory and is expected to improve further as appreciation about the advantages of knowing one's HIV status spread.

5. Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV at eighteen Clinics

This is a new service which provides pregnant women and their spouses with pre and post-test HIV counseling and anti-retroviral drugs. Advice on infant feeding options is also given and infants, mothers and families are followed up. Rapid HIV testing is available at these clinics.

6. Co-ordination of Community Participation for Health Initiatives

The department works closely with councilors, community leaders, district and Ward Aids Action Committees, churches and residents on health and related matters.

Service Level

Service / Service Product Service Level Standards Location
Diagnosis and treatment of Tuberculosis (TB) Monday – Friday 0730 - 1530 hours
Saturdays 0730 - 1130 hours
All council clinics
Admission of very ill patients with TB 24 hours Thorngrove hospital
Admission of patients with infectious diseases 24 hours Thorngrove hospital
Provider initiated testing and counseling for HIV (PITC) Monday – Friday 0730 - 1530 hours
Saturdays 0730 - 1130 hours
All clinics and thorngrove hospital
Initiation of anti – retroviral therapy for patients with CD4 count of 350 and below Weekly Mzilikazi, entumbane, emakhandeni, luveve, pelandaba, nketa, nkulumane, khami road clinic, magwegwe clinics
Oi/ art follow up Daily Above clinics plus northern suburbs, pumula and maqhawe clinics
OI/ art follow up sites for paediatrics reffered from Mpilo Hospital . these children are initiated on art at Mpilo hospital Weekly Pelandaba, pumula, luveve and maqhawe clinics
Treatment of minor ailments Monday – Friday 0730 – 1530 hours
Saturday 0730 -1130 hours
All clinics
Family planning services Monday – Friday 0730 – 1530 hours
Saturday 0730 – 1130 hours
All clinics
Ante-natal care and post natal care Monday – Friday 0730 – 1530 hours
Saturdays 0730 -1130 hours
All clinics except khami road clinic
Deliveries 24 hours Northern suburbs, luveve, pelandaba and nkulumane clinics
Prevention of mother to child transmission of hiv (PMTCT) for expecting mothers and partners Monday – Friday 0730 – 1530 hours
Saturday 0730 – 1130 hours
All clinics
Vaccination of children under five years and women of child bearing age Monday – Friday 0730 -1530 hours
Saturdays 0730 - 1130 hours
All clinics except khami road clinic
Monitoring of growth and development of children below 5 years Monday – Friday 0730 – 1530 hours
Saturdays 0730 – 1130 hours
All clinics except khami road clinic
Voluntary testing and counseling (VCT) Monday – Friday 0730 – 1530 hours
Saturday 0730 -1130 hours
Nkulumane clinic
Dental services i.e dental examinations and tooth extractions Monday – Friday 0730 – 1530 hours
Saturdays 0730 – 1130 hours
Pelandaba clinic
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free