Bulawayo City Council


AIDS Healthcare Foundation partners with Council

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation has partnered with the City of Bulawayo on the implementation of programs that support the City’s health care services in various aspects of HIV and AIDS prevention, care, treatment and community services so as to improve the quality of patient care.

The Programs Manager, Dr Ernest Chikwati said AIDS Healthcare Foundation had a commitment to sustainability and worked closely with national governments and local authorities in program implementation so as to align with national HIV strategic plans and strengthen existing public health HIV services.

“Some of the clinical care and support services currently being supported by the Foundation in the national HIV response include consultations with qualified nurses and specialist doctors, antiretroviral therapy and viral load testing for all registered patients, counselling on a wide range of sexual reproductive health issues and adolescent friendly services,” said Dr Chikwati.

He added that condom programming, support groups for People Living With HIV (PLWHIV), infrastructure development, strengthening laboratory services, strengthening human resource capacity, advocacy and marketing to influence policy were also key clinical care and support services.

Dr Chikwati highlighted that the Foundation was delighted to be working with Bulawayo City Council at Mzilikazi and Cowdray Park.

The Foundation had been supporting Mzilikazi Clinic from January 2019, and had assisted with renovations of the clinic roof, partitions to create the dispensary and counselling rooms at clinic Opportunistic Infections wing.

“The Foundation has also provided continuous support for consumables including Personal Protective Equipment for COVID 19 response, food assistance for vulnerable HIV infected clients and human resources support specifically data clerk, dispensary assistant and an Opportunistic Infections nurse,” said Dr Chikwati.

He noted that for Cowdray Park Clinic, the Foundation was in the first phase of support which comprised of a 5000 litre Jojo tank for water storage, 3BP machines, 10 metal pedal operated dust pins, 20 cleaning mops, 6 hard surface brooms and stationery.

“We will continue to support the two clinics with laboratory tests for OI clinic clients. We look forward to a great working relationship with the City fathers, the healthcare service providers and most importantly, our clients for the ultimate good of the City of Bulawayo,” said Dr Chikwati.

Receiving donations for Cowdray Park Clinic, the Director of Health Services Dr Edwin Sibanda appreciated the Foundation for the generous gesture and highlighted that the City was pleased to be working with them

“The City of Bulawayo appreciates this donation which comes to improve the state of the health system in Bulawayo. We are glad to be seeing the fruits of this partnership and we continue to look forward to working with AIDS Healthcare Foundation,” he said.

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