Bulawayo City Council


About The City Hall and Municipal Offices

The Municipal Offices and City Halls were previously in Main Street next to the Old Post Office. They were opened on the 27th of January 1914 by Sir William Milton, KCMG, KCVO, Administrator Alex Frase, J P being the Mayor.

The City Halls then had the offices of the Council, the Town Clerk and the City Treasurer and these were located at the Municipal buildings along Fife Street.

The foundation stone of the building was laid on the 14th June 1939. It is in the north-western corner of the building and the inscription reads;

This Stone was laid by His Worship the Mayor of Bulawayo, Councillor T A E Holdengarde

Members of the Council

H R Barbour, J P

D Macintyre, J P, M P

A J Butler

C M Newman, O B E, M C, V D, J P

S C F Cooke

E J Davies

C F Redrup R R C, M B E

W H Eastwood, M P

F J Shacklock

D W Young- Deputy Mayor

R O Taylor

H J Cook- Town Clerk

A C Thornton, BSc, M.Inst.C E- Town Engineer

MacGillivray & Son

F McGregor Ltd

Robertson and Peel Nelson, Associated Architects

Ross and Hannah Ltd Builders

June 14th, 1939

There is also a foundation stone on the east of the entrance to the Large City Hall which reads:-

This Stone was laid by His Excellency the Governor of Southern Rhodesia

Sir Herbert James Stanley, G C M G

14th June 1939

The buildings are on the site of the then famous laager of the then Rebellion days. The old well which was the beleaguered township’s only water supply was filled in and all trace of it disappeared in later years.

Extract from records:-

“There was no water supply for hundreds in Laager so a well was sunk by an engineer named Issels- at about 50 to 60 ft. a good supply of water was found for the Laager. At first a bucket and rope was used and the work was long and laborious but a windmill was put up by Issels and worked successfully.”

The well was rediscovered in 1951 after a determined search and has now been put back into use. A shelter was initially erected to house a pump but during the redesign of the City Hall Gardens the pumping plant was resited and an ornamental well head with winch placed on the well.

Initially, the offices of the City Engineer and some Treasury sections were situated in Sanlam Buildings, Fife Street, the City Electrical Engineer in Eleventh Avenue, the Director of Housing and Amenities in Khami Road and the Medical Officer of Health at 116 Fort Street, Bulawayo. The City Treasurer also has offices at the Old Memorial Hospita lfor the issue of licences.

The Municipal Offices now house the Town Clerk’s and Chamber Secretary’s offices.

City Halls- Seating Accomodation:

Main Hall- Stalla.......approx...930


Total........................................1 212

Small Hall..............approx....400

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  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
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