Bulawayo City Council


Mayor's Report on Covid-19





i. Introduction

This is my fourth Weekly report outlining the activities in the City of Bulawayo in our fight against the spread of COVID-19. I would like to extend my appreciation to the various stakeholders who are working with the Council in this fight.

We appreciate the donations, partnerships and great ideas that we continue to receive.

The City of Bulawayo is committed to ensuring that we prevent the spread of COVID-19 and curb the chain of infections in the City.

Bulawayo City Council Mayors Report 4
Outbreak Name COVID-19 Area on Alert City of Bulawayo
Date / Time of report 30 April 2020 / 0900hrs Response start date 25 January 2020
Prepared by City of Bulawayo PHEIC Declared 31st January 2020
National Disaster Declared 17th March 2020 Pandemic Declared 11th March 2020


  • Global cumulative total of 3 018 953 confirmed (66 276) and 207 973 deaths (5 376) Source: WHO SitRep 100, as of 1000hrs CEST 29 April 2020
  • Africa 52 States reporting 35 371 confirmed 1 534 deaths and 11 727 recoveries Source: Africa CDC Report, as of 1800hrs EAT 29 April 2020
  • Nationally a cumulative of 40 confirmed cases (8), 5 recoveries and 4 deaths (0) Source: Zimbabwe MoHCC Update issued 29 April 2020
  • In Bulawayo twelve cases (2) and 1 death (0) Source: City of Bulawayo: Health Services Department 30 April 2020
Zim case # Byo case # Diagnosed Travel Detail Possible Contact Status Contacts
11 1 07 April 2020 Nil M/79 Zim Case 33 Deceased 67
14 2 11 April 2020 Nil M/53 Zim Case 33 Mild Disease 24
15 3 13 April 2020 Nil F/34 Not yet Known Mild Disease 58
16 4 13 April 2020 Nil F/52 Zim case 11 Mild Disease 26
17 5 13 April 2020 Nil F/79 Zim case 11 1 Negative PCR 107
19 6 15 April 2020 Nil F/4 Zim case 16 Mild Disease 2
20 7 15 April 2020 Nil F/10 Zim case 16 Mild Disease 2
21 8 15 April 2020 Nil F/34 Zim case 16 Mild Disease 2
22 9 15 April 2020 Nil F/16 Zim case 16 Mild Disease 1
23 10 15 April 2020 Nil F/52 Zim case 15 No symptoms 37
33 11 28 April 2020 UK M/70 United Kingdom No symptoms 39
34 12 28 April 2020 Nil M/27 Zim case 33 Mild Disease 15

The City currently has 12 PCR confirmed cases of which 2 new cases were diagnosed on the night of the 28th April 2020.

Both are stable, with one case (34) showing mild symptoms, and case 33 not showing symptoms at the moment.

The two new cases are as follows;

  1. Our primary case, a 70 year old man, who we concluded to be imported from United Kingdom (UK), and stays with case 14, has now turned PCR positive. This could be a result of re-infection or a reactivation of the virus, or the first test could have been a false negative.
  2. A 27 year old man who the Rapid Response Teams responded to tested PCR as positive. He is believed to be linked to case 33.

A total of 380 contacts of all the positive cases have since been identified, classified and followed up.

As it stands at least eleven cases are due to active local transmission.

Efforts to prudently implement effective outbreak containment measures are ongoing.

The City has also conducted testing of at least 101 residents of the gated community and all the RT-PCR and RDT tested negative for the 101 residents.


The City of Bulawayo (BCC) has different thematic teams participating in the Epidemic response: Call Centre; Case Management; Coordination; Risk Communication & Community Engagement (RCCE), Disease Surveillance; Disinfection, Environmental Sanitation, Waste Management & Body Management; Logistics Supply Chain Management; Rapid Response Teams (RRTs); Suspected / Probable Patient location facilitation.

BCC Health Services Department Epidemic Preparedness and Response Teams gets daily updates through physical meetings (beginning 28th of January 2020) and complemented by electronic media platforms.

The overall city response was escalated to be level of the Provincial Minister of State.

A call out roster for staff, enhanced by a WhatsApp chat group is in place.

The BCC call centre (backed by resources persons) can be contacted for information / services on numbers:

  • 08084700 (Econet Numbers Only)
  • 08004700 (TelOne Numbers Only)
  • 263-2922 71290 (All Networks)
  • 263-774 668 432 (WhatsApp Only)

Two numbers have now been availed for direct calls to the rapid response teams (cell phones courtesy of donations received from the Bulawayo Entertainment Industry) i.e.

  • 263 - 784 150 042
  • 263 - 784 149 828


The city has been using Hydrogen Peroxide to disinfect open spaces characterised by high human traffic.

Areas with high human traffic that were disinfected include:

  1. Central business district where spraying took place from 7 to 10 April 2020.
  2. Railway station which was sprayed on 11 April, 2020.
  3. Residential areas including Nketa 7 shopping centre, Nketa 9 shopping centre, Emganwini (Food 4 Less), Emganwini (Tashas), Sekusile shops, Sekusile Flea market, Bullet Shopping Centre, Nkulumane Complex, Makokoba Shops, Renkini, Entumbane Complex and Entumbane Long Distance Bus terminus. This week Cowdray Park areas and Luveve (Chigumira/Matsika) were sprayed.

The disinfection was applied using water cannons sourced from the Zimbabwe Republic Police. The spray was either aerial or a direct fine spray on shop pavements. Spraying started at 1500hrs after the close of shops so as to ensure that targeted areas were found clear of human traffic. Communities where spraying was to be conducted were sensitised in advance. No challenges were encountered during the spraying process. Hydrogen Peroxide disinfects through the effect of its reduction to water with the release of oxygen. The chemical is therefore environmentally friendly.

Sanitization of the environment is to complement washing of hands, social distancing, cough etiquette etc.


I would like to note that over the last two weeks, the teams were conducting their activities supported by Members of the World Health Organisation (WHO). The city teams were complimented and simultaneously oriented teams from the Zimbabwe National Army. The city teams expect to be joined by the Air Force of Zimbabwe health staff.

Any other teams who need such exposure are encouraged to contact the City.

In Indicator Based Surveillance the District Health Information System (DHIS2) shows than there is an increase in the number on Acute Respiratory Illnesses (ARI) cases month on month as well as in 2020 comparing to 2019, particularly the moderate and severe types.

In Event Based Surveillance the seven Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) activated on 27 February 2020 have been following up rumours of possible suspected cases of COVID-19 since then. The RRTs (now 7) have followed up a total of 223 scares consisting people complaining of COVID-19 related epidemiological link, signs and symptoms; and have submitted a total of 661 specimens of people that fit the case definition to laboratories for Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests to detect the virus.

The National University of Science and Technology (NUST) Applied Genetic Testing Centre (AGTC) working from and with the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory (NTBRL) located at Mpilo Central Hospital in Bulawayo started testing using RT-PCR on the 11th April 2020. By 08:00hrs, on 29th April 2020, between the two laboratories a total of 407 tests had been done on behalf of Bulawayo City Council with 12 being positive.

On 29th April 2020, the RRTs collected 259 specimens for PCR that is 15 from contacts of case 34, 68 from Bulawayo Polytechnic, 171 from UCE and from 5 scares.

More than 120 people contacted the Call centre between 19th March 2020 and 24th April 2020 by telephone and over 95 by WhatsApp with COVID-19 related complaints.

The screening of all rumours and follow ups of suspected cases received via the call centre was done.

The ages of confirmed cases range from 4 to 79 years old, with the highest number of confirmed cases (25%) so far being 46 - 60years old.

The number of travellers that came in through the various ports of Entry destined for Bulawayo was 1774.

Of these at least 1693 (95.4%) travellers had since been followed up teams in Bulawayo. Follow up of the other travellers is in progress. The area with the highest number of travellers under surveillance is Suburbs (Map1).

The updated lists of travellers that come into the country during the month of April was from official Ports of Entry (PoE) keeps being received and follow ups are ongoing.

Deportees that have more recently come into the country are now placed in mandatory quarantine facilities. The city currently has two such facilities, which are the United College of Education (UCE) housing female and child deportees / returnees and Bulawayo Polytechnic for the males. UCE has received 278 females and 50 children to date while Bulawayo Polytechnic has received 356 males.

The hygiene conditions are monitored on a daily basis and have been satisfactory to date.

Social distancing is being encouraged amongst the deportees/ returnees.

Jairos Jiri is housing 30 male street kids whose age range is between 13 and 18years old that were rounded up from the streets of Bulawayo.

The facility’s hygiene conditions are being monitored as well.

Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) were initially performed on those that had completed 21 days of quarantine.

For new deportees, on 29 April samples for RT-PCR were collected of which 68 were from Bulawayo Polytechnic and 171 from UCE.

In Health Surveillance the implementation of protective factors to reduce the general risk of transmission is ongoing.

These include activities such as active case finding, intensified shop inspections, health education on key messages that include self-isolation, social distancing, and hygiene practices; with special emphasis on the importance of staying at home.

In order to improve coverage Environmental Health students from Matabeleland North were co-opted into the surveillance activities.

Social distancing from food shops in the CBD are being monitored.

The shops are requested to encourage social distancing amongst customers, with the teams also checking if sanitizers or hand washing facilities are available at entry points as well as educate on the risks of contracting Covid-19.

The shops have generally been compliant with the recommendations to combat the disease.

Challenges are faced in supermarkets with mealie meal which attract large numbers of customers resulting in chaos and failure to observe social distancing.

The banks and money agents also attract large numbers of people which has resulted in some teams being posted to man those sites all day.


A WHO case definition which includes all age groups is being used. The city had diagnosed 12 cases of Covid-19 by 29th April 2020. This was still noted to be lower than any simulation of the extrapolation of possible number of cases that had been made, with assistance from a senior physician in the city. At all opportunities, it was emphasised that these low figures should not lull health care workers into complacency because a surge in the number of cases was still possible.

The 11 cases are clinically stable and in home isolation

A training of trainers was conducted by a team from Ministry of Health and Child Care on the 24th of April. This was subsequently cascaded on the 28th and 29th, with another training expected today (30th April 2020). The trainings were supported by local physicians, Association of Health Care Laboratories, Aids Health Care Foundation (AHF) and the Iam4byofightingCOVID-19 initiative and is being held at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair Hall 3. The City of Bulawayo offered to orient staff in the surveillance activities and the specimen collection, handling and transportation techniques.

The citywide clinics have been trained to triage patients, elicit epidemiological and clinical history as well as expedite movements into and out of the clinic. Efforts to improve infection control processes are also in place as well as national guidelines for use of personal protective equipment. Thorngrove Hospital is now undergoing renovations

Inspection of Proposed Isolation/Quarantine facilities such as Elangeni Training Centre and Hillside Teachers’ College to cater for mild or asymptomatic cases has been done. In the event that the city requires more facilities Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) identified and inspected churches, schools, training institutions and lodges in addition to Bulawayo Polytechnic and UCE. In total sixteen (16) premises have been proposed so far and EHPs have made recommendations on areas that need attention.


Still following the master schedule the RCCE team continued giving context specific information related to Covid-19 as well as to respond to any queries.

Social Media: Videos and Posters in English and Ndebele continue to be shared on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp.

Mobile Applications: The City of Bulawayo is working with Sila Health, an African healthcare startup company with co-founders from the City of Kings in sharing and collecting information on COVID-19 towards its fight against COVID-19.

The application, named Sis Joyce, provides information to the community on COVID-19. It works via chat platforms to share information on the signs and symptoms of the virus and it gives users of its COVID-19 assessment tool information on how to access emergency health care. The application uses Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.

Radio Programs: Radio programme (Ndebele) with Khulumani FM. Talk show recording done with emphasis on the following thematic areas; Case management, Risk Communication and Surveillance for local radio station (Skyz Metro) and ZBC.

Print IEC material distributed: Pamphlets: 3800 (300 new), Posters: 1900 (500 new).

Health Education Sessions in Health Facilities: Health Education sessions on Covid-19 conducted on daily basis in all clinics.

Covid-19 Campaign during Lockdown: Planning of the campaign and execution of the task involved Ministry of Information, Media and Broadcasting personnel, Population Services International, National AIDS Council (NAC) and Bulawayo City Council Staff (Health Services personnel and the Public Relations Officers). A hailer and PA system was used to disseminate information. This week a hailer and PA system are used to disseminate information with assistance from ambulance services. Teams comprised of the City Health Department, Public Relations, Ambulance Services, NAC and Nehemiah project.

Areas Covered were in the last week: CBD, Entumbane, Entumbane Complex, Cowdray Park, Nguboyenja, Makokoba, Renkini, Thorngrove, Bradfield Shopping Centre, Malindela, Bradfield, Hillside, Ilanda, Nketa 6, Nketa 7, Nketa 8, Nketa 9, , Nkulumane (Sekusile), Nkulumane Complex, Tshabalala extension, Harrisvale, Mzilikazi, Lochview, Waterford, Manningdale, Leeside Shopping Centre, Woodlands, Ascot Shopping Centre, Pumula North, Pumula East, Old Pumula, Old Magwegwe, Selbourne Park, Matsheumhlophe, Mpopoma, Old Nic Mine and Killarney Squatter Settlement


In implementing these, we continue to be faced by a number of resource gaps affecting efficient response. These are outlined below;

  1. Inadequate fuel and airtime, for surveillance
  2. Inadequate human resources should the cases increase in numbers.
  3. Need for more oxygen canisters, flow metres, delivers tubes an masks/nasal prongs
  4. Whilst Thorngrove Hospital, at present can admit anything from asymptomatic to mild cases, it does not have ICU/HDU facilities nor a ventilator,
  5. No accommodation for isolating staff that may be exposed
  6. i>No observation of social distancing.

Deportees that have more recently come into the country are now placed in mandatory quarantine facilities. The city currently has two such facilities, which are the United College of Education (UCE) housing female and child deportees / returnees and Bulawayo Polytechnic for the males. UCE has received 278 females and 50 children to date while Bulawayo Polytechnic has received 356 males. The hygiene conditions are monitored on a daily basis and have been satisfactory to date. Social distancing is being encouraged amongst the deportees/ returnees. Jairos Jiri is housing 30 male street kids whose age range is between 13 and 18years old that were rounded up from the streets of Bulawayo. The facility’s hygiene conditions are being monitored as well. Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) were initially performed on those that had completed 21 days of quarantine. For new deportees, on 29 April samples for RT-PCR were collected of which 68 were from Bulawayo Polytechnic and 171 from UCE.

In Health Surveillance the implementation of protective factors to reduce the general risk of transmission is ongoing. These include activities such as active case finding, intensified shop inspections, health education on key messages that include self-isolation, social distancing, and hygiene practices; with special emphasis on the importance of staying at home. In order to improve coverage Environmental Health students from Matabeleland North were co-opted into the surveillance activities.

Social distancing from food shops in the CBD are being monitored. The shops are requested to encourage social distancing amongst customers, with the teams also checking if sanitizers or hand washing facilities are available at entry points as well as educate on the risks of contracting Covid-19. The shops have generally been compliant with the recommendations to combat the disease. Challenges are faced in supermarkets with mealie meal which attract large numbers of customers resulting in chaos and failure to observe social distancing. The banks and money agents also attract large numbers of people which has resulted in some teams being posted to man those sites all day.


A WHO case definition which includes all age groups is being used. The city had diagnosed 12 cases of Covid-19 by 29th April 2020. This was still noted to be lower than any simulation of the extrapolation of possible number of cases that had been made, with assistance from a senior physician in the city. At all opportunities, it was emphasised that these low figures should not lull health care workers into complacency because a surge in the number of cases was still possible. The 11 cases are clinically stable and in home isolation

A training of trainers was conducted by a team from Ministry of Health and Child Care on the 24th of April. This was subsequently cascaded on the 28th and 29th, with another training expected today (30th April 2020). The trainings were supported by local physicians, Association of Health Care Laboratories, Aids Health Care Foundation (AHF) and the Iam4byofightingCOVID-19 initiative and is being held at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair Hall 3. The City of Bulawayo offered to orient staff in the surveillance activities and the specimen collection, handling and transportation techniques.

The citywide clinics have been trained to triage patients, elicit epidemiological and clinical history as well as expedite movements into and out of the clinic. Efforts to improve infection control processes are also in place as well as national guidelines for use of personal protective equipment. Thorngrove Hospital is now undergoing renovations

Inspection of Proposed Isolation/Quarantine facilities such as Elangeni Training Centre and Hillside Teachers’ College to cater for mild or asymptomatic cases has been done. In the event that the city requires more facilities Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) identified and inspected churches, schools, training institutions and lodges in addition to Bulawayo Polytechnic and UCE. In total sixteen (16) premises have been proposed so far and EHPs have made recommendations on areas that need attention.


Still following the master schedule the RCCE team continued giving context specific information related to Covid-19 as well as to respond to any queries.

Social Media: Videos and Posters in English and Ndebele continue to be shared on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp.

Mobile Applications: The City of Bulawayo is working with Sila Health, an African healthcare startup company with co-founders from the City of Kings in sharing and collecting information on COVID-19 towards its fight against COVID-19.

The application, named Sis Joyce, provides information to the community on COVID-19. It works via chat platforms to share information on the signs and symptoms of the virus and it gives users of its COVID-19 assessment tool information on how to access emergency health care. The application uses Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.

Radio Programs: Radio programme (Ndebele) with Khulumani FM. Talk show recording done with emphasis on the following thematic areas; Case management, Risk Communication and Surveillance for local radio station (Skyz Metro) and ZBC.

Print IEC material distributed: Pamphlets: 3800 (300 new), Posters: 1900 (500 new).

Health Education Sessions in Health Facilities: Health Education sessions on Covid-19 conducted on daily basis in all clinics.

Covid-19 Campaign during Lockdown: Planning of the campaign and execution of the task involved Ministry of Information, Media and Broadcasting personnel, Population Services International, National AIDS Council (NAC) and Bulawayo City Council Staff (Health Services personnel and the Public Relations Officers). A hailer and PA system was used to disseminate information. This week a hailer and PA system are used to disseminate information with assistance from ambulance services. Teams comprised of the City Health Department, Public Relations, Ambulance Services, NAC and Nehemiah project.

Areas Covered were in the last week: CBD, Entumbane, Entumbane Complex, Cowdray Park, Nguboyenja, Makokoba, Renkini, Thorngrove, Bradfield Shopping Centre, Malindela, Bradfield, Hillside, Ilanda, Nketa 6, Nketa 7, Nketa 8, Nketa 9, , Nkulumane (Sekusile), Nkulumane Complex, Tshabalala extension, Harrisvale, Mzilikazi, Lochview, Waterford, Manningdale, Leeside Shopping Centre, Woodlands, Ascot Shopping Centre, Pumula North, Pumula East, Old Pumula, Old Magwegwe, Selbourne Park, Matsheumhlophe, Mpopoma, Old Nic Mine and Killarney Squatter Settlement


In implementing these, we continue to be faced by a number of resource gaps affecting efficient response. These are outlined below;

  1. 1. Inadequate fuel and airtime, for surveillance
  2. 2. Inadequate human resources should the cases increase in numbers.
  3. 3. Need for more oxygen canisters, flow metres, delivers tubes an masks/nasal prongs
  4. 4. Whilst Thorngrove Hospital, at present can admit anything from asymptomatic to mild cases, it does not have ICU/HDU facilities nor a ventilator,
  5. 5. No accommodation for isolating staff that may be exposed
  6. 6. No observation of social distancing.


The City proposes the following recommendations and priority follow up actions to ensure efficiency in our response to COVID-19;

  1. 1. MoHCC to avail fuel and airtime for surveillance.
  2. 2. Acting PMD to expedite secondment of 15 nurses to BCC as per commitment
  3. 3. Expediting infrastructure renovations for piped oxygen etc
  4. 4. We propose the need for invoking the relevant Acts and subsequent written commitment,(from the powers that be) and Standard Operating Procedures , for an already capacitated, or semi-capacitated facility to take in the one or 2 critical cases immediately, should there be need for such services
  5. 5. The commitment by the MoHCC to house laboratory staff at hotels, in the name of infection prevention and control, A/PMD to lobby so BCC staff also benefit.
  6. 6. Having noted that behaviour change is a problem, and social distancing is not yet complied with 100%, we lobby for utilisation of masks by all the population to act as a barrier that reduces propulsion and emission of aerosols into the environment.


The City proposes the following recommendations and priority follow up actions to ensure efficiency in our response to COVID-19;

  1. 1. MoHCC to avail fuel and airtime for surveillance.
  2. 2. Acting PMD to expedite secondment of 15 nurses to BCC as per commitment
  3. 3. Expediting infrastructure renovations for piped oxygen etc
  4. 4. We propose the need for invoking the relevant Acts and subsequent written commitment,(from the powers that be) and Standard Operating Procedures , for an already capacitated, or semi-capacitated facility to take in the one or 2 critical cases immediately, should there be need for such services
  5. 5. The commitment by the MoHCC to house laboratory staff at hotels, in the name of infection prevention and control, A/PMD to lobby so BCC staff also benefit.
  6. 6. Having noted that behaviour change is a problem, and social distancing is not yet complied with 100%, we lobby for utilisation of masks by all the population to act as a barrier that reduces propulsion and emission of aerosols into the environment.

Donations and Equipment Received to date

1. Rice 3 x10kg 28/03/2020 Qoki Zindlovukazi(UK based Zimbabweans) Week Ending 3 April 2020
2. Cooking oil 6 x 5lt " "
3. Mazoe juice 3 x 2lt " "
4. Brown sugar 15 x 2kg " "
5. Red Seal flour 3 x 10kg " "
6. Food for less White Rice 2 x 2kg " "
7. Winna Rice parboiled 2 x 5kg " "
8. Gold rice parboiled rice 1 x 1 kg " "
9. Fiesta parboiled rice 1 x 10kg " "
10. Fiesta parboiled rice 1 x 5 kg " "
11. Mealie-meal 3 x 10 kg " "
12. FFP2 Face Masks 50 each 27/03/2020 PSI Zimbabwe Week Ending 3 April 2020
13. Liquid soap 80 x 5lt " "
14. Sanitizer 11 x 100ml 27/03/2020 OPHID Trust Week Ending 3 April 2020
15. Sanitizer 1 x 5lt " "
16. Surgical/Face masks 19 boxes " "
17. Latex gloves 36 boxes " "
18. Bed Sheets 300 each 31/03/2020 Rainbow Hotel Bulawayo Week Ending 3 April 2020
19. Pillow slips 300 each " "
20. Bath Towels 300 each
21. Mealie meal 8 x 10kg 30/03/2020 Thuthuka Bulawayo Trust Week Ending 3 April 2020
22. Rice 5 x 2kg
23. Instant porridge 10 x 1kg
24. Royco usavi soup 4 x 75g
25. Matemba 2 x 500g
26. Iris biscuits 10 x 1kg 31/03/2020
27. Instant porridge 3 x 1kg
28. Face Masks Bulawayo Babies Week Ending 3 April 2020
29. Solar Back Up Power System 15/04/2020 Chloride Zimbabwe Week Ending 3 April 2020
30. Surgical Gloves 30 pair 02/04/2020 MoHCC (Byo Natpharm) Week Ending 10 April 2020
31. Face masks 30 each " "
32. Gown(Aspace) 25 each " "
33. Medical Goggles 20 each " "
34. Shoe Covers 25 pairs " "
35. Thermometers 9 each " "
36. Hydrogen Peroxide 30 x 35kg 03/04/2020 Fossil Agro Week Ending 10 April 2020
37. Mazoe Syrups 18 x 2lt 01/04/2020 NAC Nkulumane Week Ending 17 April 2020
38. Mineral water 48 x 500ml " "
39. NAC COVID-19 Posters 500 09/04/2020 NAC Bulawayo Province Week Ending 17 April 2020
40. Disinfectant liquid 19 09/04/2020 "
41. Latex gloves 400 09/04/2020 "
42. Face Masks 5 x pack of 180 09/04/2020 Well-wisher through Cllr Mabutho Week Ending 17 April 2020
43. Bottled water 9 cases of 24 x500ml 10/04/2020 Nehemiah Project Week Ending 17 April 2020
44. Sticky stuff 1 packet " "
45. Pepsi fizzy drink 1 case of 24 x 500ml " "
46. Mirinda Fizzy drink 2 cases of 24 x 500ml " "
47. Arenel biscuits 3 cases of 12 " "
48. Sanitizers (Gel) 50 x 100ml 11/04/2020 WHO Week Ending 17 April 2020
49. Infrared Thermometres 5 " "
50. Surgical Masks 2/pack of 50 " "
51. Tablets for data collection 5 " "
52. Diesel fuel coupons 500lt " "
Airtime US$500.00 " "
54. 200 sets of protective personal equipment (400 Overalls, 400 Aprons, 2000 gloves, 2000 Dust masks , 2000 shoes covers) Donated 9 /04/2020 Handed over 23/4/2020 Old Mutual and CABS Week Ending 17 April 2020
55. Fully Equipped Borehole at Thorngrove 14/04/2020 Bravo Borehole Drillers Week Ending 17 April 2020
56. Health Workers Gowns 40 12/4/2020 Bulawayo Entertainment Industry Association Week Ending 17 April 2020
57. Groceries ZWL$25,000 21/4/2020 Amavevane Social Football Club Week Ending 24 April 2020
58. Personal Protective Equipment (Sanitisers, Surgical Masks & Gloves) 21/4/2020 Nedbank through Iam4Byo fighting against COVID-19 Week Ending 24 April 2020
59. Gas Stove, 15 kg Gas cylinder, Supply of LP Gas during the COVID19 pandemic 21/4/2020 Value Gas Week Ending 24 April 2020
60. Sanitisers, Hydrogen Peroxide & Masks, Digital Advertising Space at Bradfield shopping centre 21/4/2020 Solatek Motor spares & Digitech Advertising Week Ending 24 April 2020
61. Hydrogen Peroxide 24 April 2020 Tierra Marketing Week Ending 24 April 2020
62. Personal Protective Equipment 2.N95 masks x 400 2.Space suits x 30 3.Plastic aprons x 5 rolls 4.Googles x 20 5.Shygmometer x 5 6. Gloves x 10 boxes (500) 7. Bin liners x 10 rolls 8. Surgical Masks x 400 28/4/2020 Ezra Sibanda Initiative Week Ending 01 May 2020
63. PPE Bread 50 x 5 litres Sanitisers 84 x 2litres dishwasher 50 loaves of Bread 28 April 2020 Chicken Inn Football Club Week Ending 01 May 2020
64. Risk Communication Material 28/4/2020 Danish Church Aid Week Ending 01 May 2020
65. Clothes 2 suitcases for Ekuphumuleni Old People’s home 28 April 2020 Adelaide Shearly Week Ending 01 May 2020
66. PPE 1440 Face Masks 1000 Gloves 250ml x 20.5 litres 30/4/2020 Bulawayo Members of Parliament and Councillors Week Ending 01 May 2020
67. Handwashing Equipment and Sanitiser Units Four (4) Handwashing Equipment (1 –Thorngrove, 1 Luveve Clinic & 2 Ekusileni Hospital) Two (2) Sanitiser units 30 April 2020 Mr Chauke Week Ending 01 May 2020

ii. Implementation of Resilient Food Supply Chain System During and After COVID-19 Lockdown

The novel COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated that countries and cities relook the way business is done. In a means to combat the spread of the novel corona virus the World Health Organisation has recommended a list of measures in a quest to curb its spread and among them are improved hygiene in the form of hand washing, coughing sneezing etiquette and social distancing.

In light of the recommendations, The Government on the 8th April 2020, in response to the Presidential pronouncement, through the sister departments of Ministry of Local Government and Public Works (MoLGPW) and the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement (MoLAWRR) made separate pronouncements. The MoLGPW through circular 2 of 2020 urged Local Authorities to take advantage of the national lockdown to clean up and renovate Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and informal traders workplaces so that these areas will be more conducive to operate from when business reopens. The MoLAWRR, came up with Guidelines for the Resilient Food Supply Chain System (RFSCS) to avoid food supply shocks which may be caused by the lockdown in order to guarantee every Zimbabwean an uninterrupted food supply during and after the lockdown period. Part of the recommendations from this documents talks to Food supply to the Market and Vending Sites. This document stipulates that Local Authorities should be at the forefront of observing, monitoring and ensuring that stakeholders in the Food Market attempt to adhere at least to the Covid 19 minimum basic requirements.

Bulawayo City Council fully supports the Government Initiative of setting up systems that will be compliant to the International standards in relation to reducing the spread of COVID 19. The support of the government initiative is motivated by the fact that Bulawayo City Council fully understands that cities are by definition places of density, with large numbers of people living and interacting in close proximity. Additionally, council is in full knowledge of the fact that cities, Bulawayo included, are deeply embedded in national, regional and global networks and hence cannot operate in isolation. They are by nature a subsystem of an overall system.

The City noted that how we plan our cities has always been a reflection of prevailing health, cultural and technological trends and even major crises such as Covid-19. It is noted that City planning has changed radically after every pandemic leading to the rethinking of layout designs in residential, commercial and industrial developments for new water and sewer designs. Bulawayo City understands that the virus might be here to stay and there is need for adaptation strategies. The City understands the challenges that come with COVID-19 which calls for a decentralized system. The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 is a strong reminder that urbanisation has changed the way that people and communities live, work, and interact, and the need to strengthen systems and local capacities to prevent the spread of infectious diseases is urgent.

The City of Bulawayo in its response to complement the measures being undertaken by the government in combating the COVID-19 pandemic, has established surge capacity and contingency plans.

Implementation as follows:

  1. i. Bulawayo City Council has done a thorough assessment of current Food market and Vending site to ensure compliance.
  2. ii. The Council informed by Town Planning and Health provisions has embarked on decentralization of Food markets to suburbs.
  3. iii. BCC has fully fledged food markets dotted around the City and is working on revamping where necessary to comply with and post COVID-19.
  4. iv. Council is redesigning all the complying and designated sites in the City to meet social distancing and hygiene standards.
  5. v. BCC is applying the Inclusive Concept of Planning by engaging relevant stakeholders like Vendors Associations, Residents Associations etc. to ensure effective, informed decentralization process.
  6. vi. Council has come up with designs of structures that will ensure Compliance.

NB: The City has sites that are ready to accept Farmers starting from this coming Monday For example, Pumula Old, Cowdray Park and Magwegwe

The operationalisation of the programme is as follows;

  1. 1. The City has identified Wholesale Distribution Centres (WDCs) for fresh farm produce around the city. Some are Council owned while others are privately owned. Council is engaging owners of privately owned centres on modalities of operation. Some WDCs lack complete requisite infrastructure that fully comply with COVID-19 health requirements but the same shall be treated as work in progress.
  2. 2. The farmers shall be required to deliver their produce to the WDCs for wholesale between 4am to 8am. The move will decongest the Central Business District (CBD) though the existing WDCs in the CBD shall continue to operate serving other eastern suburbs without WDCs. Modalities of using Council facilities shall be refined on a case by case situation and as work in progress.
  3. 3. Council has identified Vending Markets/Bays (VM) throughout the suburban shopping centres to accommodate vendors.
  4. 4. Council has resolved to relocate all Informal Traders trading along 5th Avenue to vending bays near their places of residence. The current vending records shall be used to assist the relocation process.
  5. 5. 5th Avenue road shall be re-opened for vehicular traffic movement.
  6. 6. Vendors who were currently trading on 5th Avenue are hereby given a 48-hour notice to remove the remaining metal structures on the road. The two day notice shall commence on Monday 27th April 2020 and end on Tuesday 28th April 2020. Thereafter, any structure left on the road shall be removed and taken by Council as garbage.
  7. 7. The Khothama Tower Block weekend and holiday vending has been abolished and decentralized to suburban shopping centres.


The City remains committed in its fight against COVID-19. We note that as Bulawayo we cannot achieve this alone without the cooperation of the residents. We urge residents to continue adhering to the messages shared on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

This is because we note that we have local transmission.

It is up to each and everyone of us to break the cycle of the spread of COVID -19.

May I further urge the residents to continue with social distancing and practicing good hygiene.

If we adhere to the recommendations made by the health teams we will combat COVID-19 in Bulawayo.



  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free