Bulawayo City Council


About The City Hall and Municipal Offices

Mzilikazi Youth Centre is set to get an uplift following a partnership with Mambira Foundation which will see the renovation of the centre for the benefit of youths, local community and the City at large.

The development and rehabilitation of Mzilikazi Youth Centre will include the sinking of a borehole and repair of indoor and outdoor plumbing to provide appropriate sanitation for the community, painting and repairing of existing structures and construction of a recreational field for use by local youth.

“These projects will allow for arts, technology and recreational programming to be successfully resumed in the near future,” said John Marimba, the founder of Marimba Foundation.

He added that he has a deep and meaningful connection to the place as he received extensive training in arts during his youth.

The Director of Housing and Community Services, Mr Dictor Khumalo said the City of Bulawayo appreciated such initiatives as they served as a reminder and encouragement to former youth centre trainees to reconnect and help centres to benefit youths and contribute to Council’s efforts of revamping these centres.

“Youth centres serve a great purpose in moulding youths to be responsible citizens and future leaders. This is where young and untapped talent is identified, natured and exposed to the world,” he said.

He added that Youth Centres were platforms where young people spend their time in these supportive environments that promote a sense of ownership and freedom of expression for various social and cultural activities including performance and social spaces for music, life skills, recreation and social interaction.

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