Bulawayo City Council


Soil Conservation Awareness

The City of Bulawayo would like to advise members of the public that sand and clay soil extraction is one of the major drivers of land degradation in Bulawayo.

Sand poachers have left behind a trail of land degradation such as pen pits /gullies which are life threatening to both humans and animals. They have also led to the destruction of vital infrastructure that is roads, electricity pylons, residential stands and reticulation system pipes. Agricultural land in Peri-urban villages has been badly affected by illegal soil excavation thereby threatening livelihoods and food security in those areas.

The City of Bulawayo is very concerned about illegal soil excavation and has since availed two (2) legal pitsand extraction sites for residents and they can purchase it from their nearest Housing Office at USD10 per tonne or equivalent at the prevailing Interbank rate.

The two pitsand sites are:

  • i. Mazwi Hyde Park Estate (After Luveve cemetery)
  • ii. St Mary’s at Robert Sinyoka (after Khami water works)

Poaching of sand is an on-going problem hence Council Rangers, Zimbabwe Republic Police and Environmental Management Agency are working hand in glove so as to bring the situation to normalcy.

Residents are encouraged to assist authorities by whistle blowing and desist from environmentally unfriendly practices so as to conserve soil.

Areas most affected by sand poaching are;

  • i. Cowdray Park
  • ii. Magwegwe North
  • iii. Pumula North
  • iv. St Peters
  • v. Methodist Village
  • vi. Emganwini.

Residents are urged to report any suspected cases of illegal sand extraction or Environmental degradation to our Lands Inspectorate offices on the details below;

Lands inspectorate office 0292 210 376

Senior Parks Officer 0736 716 801

Lands Inspector 0772 896 438



  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free