Bulawayo City Council


Ultra Sound scan at Council clinics

Bulawayo Council clinics will for the coming three years conduct ultra sound scanning to help lower maternal mortality rate in the City.

Maternal mortality in Zimbabwe currently stands at 614 deaths per 100 000 live birth, one of the highest maternal mortality rates worldwide.

The initiative comes after the City Council entered into an agreement with Fintum Health Solutions which is a mobile health social enterprise.

The partnership was after the realisation that the maternal mortality in Zimbabwe is higher than that of neighbouring countries, hence the need to continually improve health care systems with emphasis on capacitating primary health care to be able to handle modern health care problems.

“Travel restrictions and lack of funds has led to an increase in maternal mortality rates as mothers fail to access maternal health care services,” said Dr Edwin Sibanda, the Director of Health Services.

“Conducting ultra sound scanning at clinics will increase antenatal care visits and increase the number of pregnant women who get at least one ultra sound scan. Local clinic midwives will be trained on pregnancy ultra sound scanning,” said Dr Sibanda.

He added that the first trimester ultrasound scan services shall be offered as this scan accurately measures the gestational age and expected date of delivery hence its importance.

This service will initially be offered at Nkulumane, Pelandaba, Cowdray Park, Pumula Old, Nketa and Northern Suburbs clinics at subsidized cost to the residents.

Pregnant women will be able to access ultra sound scanning using portable gadgets for between USD$7 to USD$11 on selected days and times. The scan will be done by qualified ultra sonographers who will transfer the skill to the City health staff as part of the City’s mission to provide quality services to the satisfaction of clients and stakeholders.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
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