Bulawayo City Council



The City of Bulawayo joins the Malinga family, Bulawayo and the Nation as a whole in mourning the passing on of the former Mayor, Joshua Teke Malinga on Saturday, 9th September 2023.

Hon Malinga was elected into office as a Councillor for Ward 2 in 1987. He served as Councillor for the (1987 – 1991); (1991 – 1993); (1993 – 1995) Municipal years. He was elected as Deputy Mayor for the 1992/1993 Municipal year and installed on the 19th August 1992. He served as the Mayor of the City of Bulawayo in the 1993 / 1994 and 1994/ 1995 Municipal Years.

During his term of office, he served in numerous Council Committees which included the Health, Housing, Amenities and Liquor Committee, the General Purposes Committee, Town Lands and Planning Committee and the Finance committee among others.

He further represented the City of Bulawayo in various outside bodies and Committees which included the Local Authorities Pension Fund Management Committee (1991/ 1992), Urban Councils Association of Zimbabwe Executive Committee (1992 / 1993, 1994/ 1995), Matabeleland North Provincial Council (1992 / 1993, 1994/ 1995); Municipality of Bulawayo Medical Aid Society Management Committee (1992 / 1993); Bulawayo 100 years Celebrations Committee (1993/ 1994); Bulawayo Round Table No.3 (1993 / 1994, 1994/ 1995 ) ; National Art Gallery of Zimbabwe (1993 / 1994); Bulawayo Municipal Provident Fund Management Committee (1993/ 1994); Employment Council (1993/ 1994, 1994/ 1995); and the Esigodini Ncema Conservation (1993 / 1994, 1994/ 1995);

He was an active member of numerous organisations nationally and internationally and played a key role in championing the rights of persons with disability in the City and nation as a whole.

The City of Bulawayo mourns his untimely death and our greatest sympathy goes to the Malinga family, friends and colleagues.

DATE : Monday 11 September 2023


  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
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