Bulawayo City Council


Flood Awareness and Preparedness

Floods are a common hazard not only in Bulawayo but in Zimbabwe as a whole, adversely affecting local vulnerable communities and neighbourhoods, especially low lying flood prone/risk areas. As a preparedness measure, the Fire and Ambulance Services conducted flood awareness campaigns primarily to low lying, downstream risk areas. Below are some of the protective measures residents are advised to adopt;

Before a Flood

To prepare for a flood one should:

  • Avoid building in a flood plain unless you elevate and reinforce your home
  • Elevate the furnace, water heater and electric panel if susceptible to flooding
  • Install “check valves” in sewer traps to prevent flood water from backing up into the drains of your home
  • Construct barriers (levees, beams, floodwalls) to stop flood water from entering the building
  • Seal walls in basements with waterproofing compounds to avoid seepage

During a flood

If a flood occurs in your area, you should:

  • Listen to the radio, television for information
  • Be aware that flash flooding can occur. If there is any possibility of a flash flood, move immediately to higher ground. Do not wait for instructions to move
  • Be aware of streams, drainage channels and other areas known to flood suddenly. Flash floods can occur in these areas with or without such typical warnings as rain clouds or heavy rain
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  • If you must prepare to evacuate, you should do the following:

If you must prepare to evacuate, you should do the following:

  • Secure your home. If you have time, move essential items to an upper floor.
  • Turn off utilities at the main switches or valves if instructed to do so. Disconnect electrical appliances. Do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water.
  • Never attempt to cross flooded streams and rivers.

After a Flood

  • Listen to news reports to learn whether the community’s water supply is safe to drink.
  • Avoid floodwaters as they may be contaminated by oil, petrol, raw sewage. Water may also be electrically charged from underground or downed power lines.
  • Avoid moving water.
  • Be aware of areas where floodwaters have receded. Roads may have weakened and collapsed under weight of a car.
  • Return home only when Authorities indicate it is safe to do so.
  • Use extreme caution when entering buildings as there may be hidden damage, particularly in foundations.
  • Service damaged septic tanks, pits, etc as soon as possible.

Opening of Weep Holes

Where boundary walls/fence (e.g. Dura walls, Block wall, Masonry wall etc) are constructed, a provision has to be made for natural drainage of storm water according to Section 78(2) of the water Act (Chapter 20:24) Residents must open Weep holes as per Section 46(2) of the Roads Act Chapter (13:18)


If advised to evacuate, please do so immediately. Close all windows and lock up all doors. Proceed to designated safe areas where the Fire Brigade and other support services will render assistance.

In the event of flooding:

Call the Fire and Ambulance Services immediately on:

All Networks -02922 71717-9

993/994 Toll free lines from landlines

OR the Customer Contact Centre on the following numbers:

08084700 (Econet Only)

08084700 (Telone Only)

02922 71290 (All Networks)

WhatsApp: +263 774668432

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free