Bulawayo City Council


Replacement of Isolation Valves

The City of Bulawayo is currently implementing the Bulawayo Water and Sewerage Services Improvement Project (BWSSIP) whose objective is to improve municipal water supply and sanitation services contributing to the improvement of the health and social wellbeing of the population of the City of Bulawayo.

One of the key components of the project is the Mains Upgrading, Mains Renewal, Bulk and Domestic Meter Replacement. The main objective of the water supply component is to ensure improved access to Municipal water supply in the identified project areas by improving the efficiency of distribution networks in areas supplied by the Magwegwe and Criterion Reservoirs and reducing Non-Revenue water.

The City of Bulawayo would like to advise members of the public that we will be replacing Defective Isolation Valves and Air release Valves along the DN300 water mains pipeline in Old Pumula in order to improve the quantity of water supply in the areas serviced by this water mains.

The works will be implemented from Saturday, 22 May 2021 at 06:00am to Sunday, 23 May 2021 12:00 hours.

During this time, residents are advised that there will be interruption of water supplies affecting the following areas:

  • Old Pumula
  • Pumula South
  • Khami Prison
  • SAST Treatment Plant
  • Methodist Village.

Bulawayo City Council wishes to apologise for the inconvenience likely to be caused.

ADVERT NO : 8915
DATE : Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Saturday, 22 May 2021


  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free