Bulawayo City Council



The City of Bulawayo would like to advise the motoring public of the ongoing Roads Improvement Works within the City in a bid to improve the state of the road network. The Works will involve reconstruction, resurfacing, reinstating of carriageway markings and other general maintenance cyclical works. The works are expected to be completed by the mid-May 2024. Once completed these works will prolong the life of the road pavement, improve road safety, traffic flows and ride quality. The works will be carried out on the following roads:

Road Name Section Scope of Works
Luveve road Waverly Street to Mpopoma Ave Overlays (completion of ongoing works)
Waverly St 6th Ave Extension to Khami road Reconstruction (completion of ongoing works)
Basch street 6th Ave Extension to Khami road Widening with overlays
8th Ave Ext Basch St to Hebert Chitepo St Overlays
Lobengula St 1st Ave to 3rd Avenue Overlays
2nd Avenue Lobengula St to JMN Nkomo St Reseals
5th Avenue Lobengula St to S Parirenyatwa St Reseals

To ensure the safety of both the motoring public and workforce whilst carrying out the Works, the following traffic management systems will be in place:

  • • Full carriageway closure of sections with traffic being diverted accordingly; and
  • • Lane closures where necessary.

Each intersection closed during the works will be manned by traffic management team and approaching vehicles will be asked to turn around and use the diversion route. If that is not possible, or if the vehicle needs to access a property within the closed area, the traffic management team will guide it safely through the closure.

The motoring and the general public are advised to exercise extreme caution when entering and leaving the Works locations, observe all warning signs and to follow the instructions of the traffic management and the diversion route signs.

Every effort has been made to ensure disruption to traffic, businesses and residents is kept to a minimum. However, the road closures will inevitably cause some disruption, and for this, the City of Bulawayo wishes to apologies in advance.

Any inconvenience caused is sincerely regretted.

Advert No. 12497
Date: Thursday, 22 February 2024.


  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free