Bulawayo City Council


Temporary Closure of Portion of 5th Avenue to accommodate Informal Traders.

The Bulawayo City Council at its meeting of 7 February 2024 resolved to temporary close a portion of 5th Avenue to accommodate 500 informal trading bays. The closure of portion of 5th Avenue will comply with the Roads Act Chapter 13:13 Part VI Section 33, and rescinds previous Council resolutions of 3rd June 2020 and 7 December 2022. The portion of 5th Avenue will now have two riding lanes and vending bays for the 500 informal traders.

Council recognises the need to strike a balance amongst multiple functionalities such as parking, informal trading, vehicular traffic movement and access to property by property owners, hence the closure of a portion of 5th Avenue. The temporary closure will ensure that all road users including property owners from the Southern side are able to park their vehicles in close proximity to their working spaces.

The decision to temporary close 5th Avenue is a result of stakeholder engagement and further dovetails into the City of Bulawayo’s strategy to enhance local economic development through the provision of accessible and affordable working spaces.

The temporary closure of the 5th Avenue will be complemented by the establishment a new vending site for clothing and fruits along Lobengula Street between 2nd Avenue terminus and the municipal Roads Yard.

We expect all traders on 5th Avenue to vacate the road to allow the implementation of the Council resolution. The execution of the resolution will entail cleaning of the area ,demarcation of bays, construction of safe working spaces and allocation of vending bays in the usual manner.

We expect all traders on 5th Avenue to vacate the road to allow the implementation of the Council resolution. The execution of the resolution will entail cleaning of the area ,demarcation of bays, construction of safe working spaces and allocation of vending bays in the usual manner.

The following are the requirements to register as an authorised Informal Trader in the City of Bulawayo:

  1. Copy of identity document (I.D).
  2. Processed fingerprint forms
  3. Proof of residence for a property in Bulawayo
  4. Two passport size photos and
  5. Requisite fees for the licence
  6. For those trading in fruits and vegetables –pre examination for contagious diseases and lessons on food handling with the City of Bulawayo Health Services Department(Khami Road Clinic)

All communication relating to the vendors reorganization will be formally communicated by the City of Bulawayo using authorised channels.

Date:Thursday, 8 February 2024


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  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
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