Bulawayo City Council


Water Meter Verification Exercise


WATER METER VERIFICATION EXERCISE – COWDRAY PARK HLALANI KUHLE. The City of Bulawayo is currently carrying out a water meter connection exercise in Cowdray Park Hlalani Kuhle following the completion of water servicing. As part of this exercise, residents are advised that we will be conducting a water meter verification exercise in the Hlalani Kuhle area from Wednesday, 5th May 2021 to Monday, 7th June 2021.

The Schedule of the verification exercise will be as follows:

1 5 May 2021
2 and 3 6 May 2021
3B, 3C & 4 7 May 2021
5 10 May 2021 – 11 May 2021
5B 12 May 2021
6 13 May 2021
7A & 7B 14 May 2021
7C, 7D & 7E 17 May 2021
8A 18 May 2021
8B, 8C 19 May 2021 – 24 May 2021
8D, 9 25 May 2021
10 26 May 2021
11 27 May 2021
11B 28 May 2021
12 28 May 2021 – 31 May 2021
12B 31 May 2021
13 & 13B 1 June 2021
14 & 14B 2 June 2021
8D, 9 25 May 2021
15A 3 June 2021 – 4 June 2021
15B, 15C & 15D 7 June 2021

Residents are advised that Municipal Staff who will be conducting this exercise will be identifiable by a City of Bulawayo identification card. (Sample below)


If you have not yet connected your water meter - This is what YOU can do to get YOUR water connection.

  • Collect your Water Connection Form and Water Connection Contract from the Cowdray Park Housing Office – Office 5.
  • Fill in your form and contract and then submit them with a copy of a receipt of the security deposit of ZWL$147.87 to the Housing Officer.
  • If you owe any outstanding amounts for your development levy, do not stress. You can enter into a payment agreement with Bulawayo City Council and pay your outstanding amount over an agreed period of time. This does not affect your water connection.
  • Pay a total of US$22.97 for water connection while sewer connection fee is US$17.30 or at the prevailing bank rate at any Revenue Office.
  • In case you do not have funds readily available, Council will do the water connections and you can pay later!!
  • The water connection fee will be debited to your account.
  • Once the form is completed, the water connection will be done in at least two weeks.
  • The contract has to be signed by the owner of the property or person granted power of attorney and/ or deceased estate administrator.
  • For owners of stands that are not in Bulawayo, you are required to give someone else a notarised Power of Attorney (not an Affidavit form) awarding the person to act on your behalf. This should be attached to the application form and contract.
  • For deceased estates, the deceased estate administrator / person responsible for the property will fill in a contract provided by Council for deceased estates and also attach a Death Certificate of the owner.

Queries related to the Water Meter Verification exercise can be addressed to the Town Clerk’s Department (Corporate Communications Unit) on Tel. No. (02922) 75011 ext. 2304 /1115 / (0292) 883587 or Fax No. (02922) 69701 or e-mail: publicrelations@citybyo.co.zw.

Residents are requested to assist Municipal staff during this exercise.

Date: Monday, 3 May 2021.


  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free