Bulawayo City Council


Water Supply Restoration Strategy


Areas serviced by the Area Reservoir Comment
Bellevue, Newton West, West Somerton, Montrose, Southwold CRITERION Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours.
Sizinda, Tshabalala, Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Nkulumane 1 - 5 & Nketa 8 Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Nketa 6,7, Pumula North, Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Pumula East Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Nkulumane 10-12 Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Nketa 9, Emganwini Water supplies closed
Khami Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Mpopoma South, Old Pelandaba, Iminyela Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Pumula South Phase 1&2, Old Pumula A Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Pumula South Phase 3, Old Pumula B & C, Pelandaba West (Glendening) Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Cowdray Park MAGWEGWE Water supplies Opened
Entumbane, Gwabalanda Water supplies Closed
Pelandaba West (Hawkflight), Magwegwe, Lobengula, Lobengula West. Water supplies Closed
Mabutweni, Matshobane, Njube, Luveve, Mpopoma. Water supplies Closed
Magwegwe North, Magwegwe West, Emakhandeni Water supplies Closed
Mahatshula, Woodville TULI Water supplies Closed
Queenspark, Kingsdale Water supplies Closed
Parklands, Khumalo, Matsheumhlope, Suburbs, Fortunes gate, Selborne Park, Water supplies Closed
Lochview, Sunninghill, Marlands, Glencoe, Riverside, Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Waterford, Manningdale, Willsgrove, Buenavista, Douglasdale, Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Harrisvale, Trenance, Richmond, Sauerstown. RIFFLE RANGE Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Barbourfields, Mzilikazi, Nguboyenja, Makokoba. Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Hillside, South riding, Fourwinds, Burnside, Morningside, Barham Green, Greenhill, Mqabuko heights. 6J Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Ilanda, Romney Park, Paddonhurst. Bradfield, Tegela, Emhlangeni, Northend, Sunnyside. HILLSIDE Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Mbalabala Barracks, Mzinyathini irrigation scheme. RAW WATER Water supplies to be opened at 16:00 hours
Industry, Mines & CBD Exempted on all days

1. Nketa 9 & Emganwini - not opened due to a valve installation currently taking place.

2. Matsheumhlophe areas etc - not opened because we are starting off with low demand areas and those that usually get affected when we open all the areas in the service Reservoir zone. As the level picks up we will open the other areas as well in the Reservoir Zone.

3. Magwegwe Reservoir - is low and all residential feeders are off.


Date: Wednesday, 10 March 2021.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free