Bulawayo City Council


Aisleby Primary School

Department/Station: 3636/0500
Registration No.: 4282

Background Information

  • Aisleby Primary School was derived from Aisleby a white farmer from Britain.
  • Established on the first of January 1961 with one drum shaped classroom and a lavatory. The school drew its drinking water from a borehole sunk in the farm.
  • Enrolment: At inception was approximately 40 with more males than females. Currently 272 pupils. This information was obtained from a Mr Kalen Gumede one of the first pupils enrolled at the school and currently the chief supervisor at the farm. He says there was a teacher one Mr Avias Shava.

Current Staffing

Comprises 9 female teachers, 8 of which are qualified. Both the Head and acting Deputy head hold BED Degrees and one teacher. Five hold diplomas. Out of 5 three are studying with ZOU.

General Information

  • Location: 14,7 km north of the Central Business District.
  • The school offers 11 subjects as per Ministry of Education policy and sporting activities. The school due to availability of reclaimed water concentrates gets more on vegetables and maize.
  • School Motto:

    “Striving for quality education”.

  • The school belongs to Victoria Falls Road cluster for both Academic and sporting activities.
  • Composition of support staff and their roles:

    1. Caretaker keeps the school property.

    2. Groundsmen maintain the school grounds cleaning and so on.

    Support staff and the professional staff merge perfectly well in that their roles and those of the professional staff are interdependent.

  • Role of council in the Admin and school and PTA:

    Controls finances of the school and provides

    1. Learning resources for pupils

    2. Cleaning materials for pupils.

    3. Supervises PTA funds and activities

Challenges Faces

  • Non payment of fees and levies by parents due to poor remuneration of

    1. Farm workers.

    2. Squatters where the school draws most of its pupils.

  • Transport for both the professional and support staff – some board two commuters while the rest of the staff walk for a good 10km per day.
  • Accommodation for both support and professional staff due to the proximity of the school.
  • Fluctuating enrolment due to migration of their parents either to their sister farms/plants sewage plants.

Projections for Future

  • Improved remuneration from both Farm owners and Council.
  • Provision of accommodation at the school by farm owners or City Council.
  • Provision of transport for both the support and professional staff.


Aisleby Primary School
P O Box 1353

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free