Bulawayo City Council


Dumezweni School


"Listen, Obey, Behave"

Dumezweni was the son of Menyezwa Gumede. Menyezwa was a chief stationed at Nkethabetshabi. He was the chief of the captives. His area covered the present Pumula, Methodist, St Peters and Robert Sinyoka. It is specifically located in Pumula South.


The school was established in January 1998.


Enrollment at Inception

Boys: 148
Girls: 150
Total: 298 pupils

Current Staffing

There are 57 teachers including the Head and the Deputy Head. The School starts with the ECD (Grade 0) up to Grade 7.

Current Enrollment

Boys: 1 090
Girls: 1 134
Total: 2 224 pupils

Current ancillary staff: 6


Pumula South Central. [View Map]

Curriculum Offered

Ndebele, English, Mathematics, Art, H.I.V/AIDS, Home Economics, Music, P.E, Environmental Science, Religious and Moral Education and Social Studies.


  • Athletics Position 1 at zonal level since 1999 to date
  • 2002 Excelled in Grade 7 results
  • 2004 Award in drama
  • Baseball award at cluster level
  • 2004 Award in Cricket


  • Sports – Hyde Park South Zone
  • Academic – Hyde Park South Cluster

Composition of Support Staff and their Roles

  • Bursar - manages school funds
  • Clerk - to man reception
  • Messenger - to send messages
  • Caretaker - to guard the school property
  • Groundsman - to maintain school grounds
  • Tuck shop attendant

How the Support Staff merge with Professional Staff

Together there are in the social club where they assist each other financially during times of bereavement and other social gatherings.

Role of Council in Administration

  • Building structures in the school and maintaining them
  • To audit school finances
  • To protect the school property
  • Issuing stationery and taking care of it

Challenges Faced by the School

  • Hot sitting
  • Lack of resources and other materials
  • Poor Performance of pupils
  • Poor remuneration

Role of the Parents Teacher Association

  • To conduct meetings
  • Link between teachers and parents and the school
  • Pegging school fees (Levies)

Projection for the Future

  • Create room for grade 7 so that they do not share rooms with any other classes.
  • To have all our grade ones coming through Early Child Development.
  • To improve performance in the school and have our school rated among the best.
  • To have a supportive school garden.
  • To have enough textbooks for all the pupils.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free