Bulawayo City Council


Ingubo School

The name was derived from one of Mzilikazi's chiefs. It literally means a blanket.

Date Established : 1st of January 1988

Enrolment and Staffing

At Inception : No. of pupils in 1988 = 731, Staff 27.

Current Enrolment : 917 pupils, staff 25.

Location of The School : Old Lobengula.

Curriculum Offered

English, Maths, Ndebele, Environmental Science, Social Studies, Religious and Moral Education, Art, Music, Aids Education, Athletics, Netball, Soccer, Volley Ball.


  • 2012 completed a computer lab which is tiled and networked. The school has 28 functional computers
  • In 2016 the school constructed a palisade fence which covered 1/3 of the school.
  • 2016- the school began construction of an ECD Block which is currently at roof level

    English 79.50%
    Mathematics 70.90%
    General Paper 64.60%
    Ndebele 91.30%
    Mean 76.58%
    Passed 4 subjects 61.42%

  • Academic Excellence Awards Certificate 1997

    English: 91%
    General Paper: 86%
    Mathematics: 86%
    Ndebele: 99%

  • Academic Excellence Awards Certificate 1997

    English: 91%
    General Paper: 86%
    Mathematics: 86%
    Ndebele: 99%

  • Academic Excellence Award Certificate 1998

    English: 92%
    General Paper: 92%
    Mathematics: 96%
    Ndebele: 99%

  • Academic Excellence Certificate 1999

    General Paper:
    Pass rate above 80%

  • Annual Merit Award 2000
  • Annual Honours Award 2001


  • 2016 - Mzilikazi district choral music champions
  • From 2013 – 2017 school has been sending an athlete to National

Athletics Competitions

  • 2017- One athlete Alisha Mangena qualified for both COSASSA and NASSAF championship
NASSAF championship
  • 2017- Two soccer players qualified for boys & girls soccer tournament in Mutare.
  • 2017- school commemorated the International Day of the older persons where elderly people were invited to the school treated to music& dance , tea and were given gifts. The occasion was organized by Marvis Ndebele and Dorcas Dhururu teachers at this school.

Composition of Support Staff


Is overall in charge of finance, receipts, banks, does reconciliation, in charge of all assets, does ordering of all School materials. Is a member of finance committee. All School orders go through him and is a financial advisor to Head. He merges with professional staff as he is the one who orders materials for use in academic and sporting activities.

Senior Clerical Assistant

Receipts, issues stock, types all correspondence, enrolls pupils, types examinations, merges with professional staff in that she issues learning/teaching materials.


Keeps all building secure. Maintenance and repairs furniture duplicates examinations. Merges with professional staff in that he maintains/secures school property.

Grounds Man

Clean toilets, maintains flowers, grounds merges with professional staff in that he maintains school hygiene.

Role of Council in Administration Running of the School

  • Pays the support staff
  • Pays electricity, telephone bills
  • Orders text books furniture stationery
  • Maintains and does all major repairs
  • Provides cleaning materials
  • Is the responsible authority
  • Insures the school.
School Contacts
Contact numbers : 09-415636
Email : ingubopry@citybyo.co.zw
Email : inguboprimary@gmail.com
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free