Bulawayo City Council


J W Mthimkhulu

Motto : Siyinqaba Emfundweni

(Work hard, Play hard and Pray hard)


The name J.W. Mthimkhulu, was derived from a prominent Bulawayo Personality (John Walter Mthimkhulu).

Date Established: 01-02-1990

Enrolment and Staffing at Inception

Boys: 431
Girls: 414
Total: 845
A.T.E.: 22


Boys: 418
Girls: 400
Total: 818
A.T.E.: 25

Location of the School

Magwegwe West suburb 10km from the C.B.D.

Access Roads from C.B.D.

From Khami Road, turn right into Ntemba Road, turn left into Mahabahaba Road and proceed up to the school.

From Luveve Road, turn left into Ntemba Road, turn left into Mahabahaba Road and proceed up to the school.

Curriculum Offered

Subjects offered English, Ndebele, Math, Environmental Science, Social Studies, Religious and Moral Education, Home Economics, Physical Education, Music and Art.

Co-Curricular Activities

Soccer, Athletics, Volleyball, Lawn Tennis, Netball, Music, Quiz, Drama, Aids/Health Club and Drum Majorettes.


  • Provincial Educational Merit Awards
  • 80% and above in all examinable subjects (English, General Paper, Math and Ndebele), 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2006.

Sporting Activities

  • Participation at Zonal level athletics, soccer, netball, music, quiz, drama
  • Participation at District level athletics, soccer, netball, music
  • Participation at Provincial level athletics, soccer, lawn tennis
  • Participation at National level athletics, soccer
  • Participation at International level lawn tennis

Clustering Academic and Sporting

Hyde Park North comprises Mazwi, J.W. Mthimkhulu, Amaswazi, Malindela, Babambeni, St. Bernards, St. Peters.

Composition of Support Staff, their Roles

Strength 6 (four males and two females)

Post Duties
Bursar Financial Administration
Senior Clerical Assistant Office Management and Financial Duties
Caretaker Maintenance Work and Grounds Development
Messenger Office Errands/duties
Groundsmen Grounds Maintenance

Merging between professional and support staff is not or problem since they are both united by goals of the institution. They play complimentary roles for the survival of the station. Both groups realize they need each other and, all the time.

Role of Council and of the P.T.A.

Role of BCC as a Responsible Authority

  • A major partner in the affairs of the school.
  • Provision of infrastructural development
  • Provision of funds for recurrent expenditure staff salaries, maintenance, stationary, textbooks, sports equipment.

Role of the P.T.A.

  • A junior partner in the affairs of the school.
  • Has played/plays a crucial role in the survival of the school.
  • Compliments the responsible authority in the provision of stationery, sports equipment, sports fees, maintenance work, hiring labour, augmenting professional staff's financial needs, hiring transport and an essential and necessary link between the school and the community. Our P.T.A. is indeed a lifeline of our school. Our needs are effectively addressed.

Challenges Faced Over the Years in Running of the School

Economic Hardships

Rendered Zimbabwe dollar useless led to depletion of essential resources, textbooks, stationery, sports equipment, no maintenance work and closure of bank accounts. Made collection of revenue (fees & levies) meaningless. Introduced culture of not servicing debts.


Introduction of multiple currencies is a blessing to those with access to forex and a nightmare to those without, servicing of debts (fees/levies) still a big headache. Provision of essentials resources, textbooks still not affordable.

Unwarranted Political Utterances

(Fees and levies) Have made collection of fees and levies a very difficult task. The spirit of sacrifice by parents/guardians appears to have melted away.

Projections for the future

  • With the coming of dollarisation our P.T.A. has achieved a lot to make life somewhat comfortable at the school. The following are areas to be tackled.
  • Provision of textbooks to improve quality of learning.
  • Purchase of a photocopier to help in photocopying textbooks primarily and administration materials.
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free