Bulawayo City Council


Josiah Chinamano

Motto : Literacy for all

Date Established : 01-01-1997

Enrolment and Staffing

At Inception

The enrolment was 1 218 pupils.


Currently the enrolment is 926 pupils and 26 teachers.


It is located at Emakhandeni high density suburb, Ward 11 in the Reigate district, 10km West of the city centre, along Luveve Road.

Curriculum Offered

Subjects offered (10) as per government policy including education for special need and grade 0 (Early Childhood Development) with specialist teaching.

Co-Curricular Activities

Athletics, netball, football, volley ball, quiz, music, traditional dance, cricket, Scripture Union, baseball, Aids Club, drama club, FAWEZ. Clutter practices and competition in sports cluster exams.


  • Quality education by providing a well-balanced and well-monitored curriculum activities.
  • To mould our children to become socially acceptable individuals.
  • To promote individual development respect, dignity for labor.
  • To promote good relations within the institution, between the school and the community.

Awards in Academic and Sporting Disciplines

  • Quiz 2005
  • Grade 7 results 2005
  • Girls' soccer 2005
  • Baseball 2005
  • Grade 7 results position 1 2006
  • Baseball position 1 2006
  • Netball provincial 2006
  • Grade 7 results (best 2006)


  • Workshops
  • Cluster examinations
  • Cluster sporting activities

Support Staff and their Duties

  • Bursar collects funds.
  • Clerk types all the work and distributes all material and stationery.
  • Caretaker takes care of the school and also works with the grounds men in the general cleaning of the school.
  • Grounds men clean the school.
  • There is good rapport with the professional staff.

The Role of City Council

The role of the City council in the administration and running of the school is to provide material needed e.g. textbooks, stationery etc.

It is the owner of the school buildings such that the P.T.A. helps in the maintenance of the school such as repairing school gadgets and sporting activities.


  • The school was opened in 1997.Most of the classroom equipment was supplied by B.C.C. Since then there was no supply and this has crippled the school because things like furniture are not enough since some get broken and are never repaired.
  • Hot sitting does not give the teacher enough time with children and when maybe its raining children are pile in corners and no effective teaching takes place.

Projections for the Future

The school has prepared a classroom to teach computers. The school presently has no computers present and we are hoping the Council will provide us with a computer. The P.T.A. will also try and raise money to buy another computer. The school aims to perform in the highest level of the day.

The World Vision offered us 2 1000 litre water tanks, which we intend using to promote vegetable garden projects. It has also donated garden tools.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free