Bulawayo City Council


Mabhukudwana School


"Our light shines with action"

According to Mr. Simon Ndebele an elderly man from the local Nkulumane community, the name Mabhukudwana derives from one of Lobengula's regiments which was based at Tsholotsho.This regiment together with other regiments namely Amavene, Ihlathi and Intunta, were sent to fight the battle of Gadadi against the white settler and ahead of the renowned Imbizo.

Date Established

The school was established in Term 3 of 1987 with Mr. Raymond Tshuma as its first Head. Subsequent Heads, namely Mr. T Tshuma, Mrs Anna Sibanda, Mrs. Sothembah Moyo and the incumbent (Head) Mr. Njabulo Bango then followed.

Enrollment And Staffing

At Inception

No clear records are available concerning the enrollment and staffing at the school's inception. However, one of the members of staff, Mrs. Getrude Hlatshwayo hinted the school had eight streams in each grade at its inception. This gives the impression that the school's enrollment was probably close to above two thousand (2000) pupils and with a possible staff compliment of fifty six (56).

To Date

Currently Mabhukudwana Primary School has an enrollment of one thousand and eight (1 108) and a staff compliment of thirty three.


Mabhukudwana Primary school is situated some fifteen (15) kilometers South West of Bulawayo Central Business District, on stand number 6404 of Nkulumane suburb.

Curriculum Offered

The school offers a mixed curriculum comprising academic, cultural, sporting and vocational spheres of education.

School Motto/Achievements

In its quest for academic and sporting excellence, the school is guided by its Motto "Our Light Shines with Action". The school has won a number of awards since its inception. Given below is a table of some notable achievements on which the school prides itself.

Year Achievements Level of Award
2002 Best Inter School Traditional Dance Team Cluster
2003 Best Grade Seven Results Provincial Awards
2004 91% Pass Rate Grade 7 Exams B.S.P.Z Awards
2004 Best Netball Team B.S.P.Z. Awards
2005 Best Grade 7 Results District Awards

In addition to the above achievements the school has managed to increase the number of computers from one in 2009 to the current ten.

Clustering – Academic and Sporting

Mabhukudwana Primary is one of the eight schools in the Nkulumane Cluster and is in charge of athletics.

Composition of Support Staff and Their Roles

There are five members of the support staff, namely the Bursar, the clerk, the caretaker and two groundsmen. These form a vital cog in the smooth running and well being of the school. The importance of their roles cannot be over emphasized.

The Role Of The Council In The Administration Of The School

Council, being the responsible authority formulates some policy guidelines which the school should follow. It also provides expert advice to the school's administration team. In addition, Council through the Housing and Amenities Department helps procure the requisite learning materials.

Challenges Faced Over The Years

The school has a perennial problem of shortage of textbooks. This problem seems to emanate from poor fees/levies payment patterns that have characterized the school over the years. The school also has a problem of running its duplicating machine which can no longer be relied upon. In addition, some of the furniture in the school has seen its better days and needs to be constantly repaired, or even replaced.

Projections for The Future

  • As part of its future development plans, the school intends to purchase a RISO machine, to relieve the ageing duplicator.
  • It also plans to introduce, in house merit awards for the best achievers among the teaching staff. Such awards will also have a monetary value.
  • In addition, each classroom will be required to have a mini library intended to foster a reading culture among the pupils, which in turn will hopefully contribute to better results.
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free