Bulawayo City Council


Mafela School


"Let your light shine"

The name Mafela was given to the school by the Bulawayo City Fathers in honour of the late LOOKOUT MAFELA MASUKU, the former ZIPRA commander who passed away soon after independence in 1980. The Masuku family lives close to where the school is situated in Nkulumane 5.

Date Of Establishment

01 September 1989


At inception: 1 312
Number of teaching staff at inception: 31
Current enrolment 2010: 1 321

Exact Location of The School

Stand number 6598
Mangete Road,
Nkulumane 5

Curriculum Offered

All subjects taught at Primary level.

Academic Achievement

Since 1996 the school has received a number of awards for academic excellence as articulated below:

  • Academic Excellence Award Certificate 1996.
  • Academic Excellence Award Certificate 1997.
  • Academic Excellence Award Certificate 1998.
  • Academic Excellence Award Certificate 1996, 1997, 1998.
  • Academic Excellence Award Certificate 1997, 1998, 1999.
  • Academic Excellence Award Certificate 2002.
  • Annual Honours Award 2000.
  • Annual Merit Award - 2000.
  • Annual Honours Award - 2002.
  • Annual Double Honours Award 2002.
  • Annual Merit Award 2002.
  • Annual Merit Award 2003.
  • Annual Merit Award (Double Honours Award.) 2003
  • Certificate of Achievement - Scoring An Overall of 90% Pass Rate. Nkulumane Cluster B.S.P.Z.
  • Annual Merit Award - 2005.
  • Annual Merit Award - 2006.
  • Certificate of Excellence 2006.
  • Best subject Maths Certificate of Excellence 2006.
  • Best subject English Certificate of Excellence - 2006.
  • Best Performance Z.I.T.F . Certificate of Participation 2009.
  • Drummies Certificate of Participation 2009.
  • Peggy Morris Choral Music Competition.
  • All these certificates mentioned above are on display in the administration office.

Composition of Support Staff and their Roles






Challenges Over The Years

  • Late opening of schools.
  • Inadequate textbooks.
  • Inadequate classrooms.
  • Late/Nonpayment of fees.
  • Inadequate toilets for E.C.D. school.
  • Lack of teacher remuneration.


  • Additional classrooms to ease hot sitting.
  • Computer classroom.
  • Library room.
  • Extra toilet.

Role Of Council In The Administration And Running Of The School

  • Responsible Authority.
  • Financial management.
  • Salaries for non-teaching staff.
  • Sourcing of teaching / learning material.
  • Supply of stationery.
  • Provision and supply of teaching and learning sources.
  • Water supply.
  • Sanitation.
  • Electricity.
  • Security personnel for 16 hours at night.
  • Auditing.
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free