Bulawayo City Council


Mahatshula School

School Motto

"Education is Progress"

The name Mahatshula is derived from one of King Lobengula's Indunas.

Date Of Establishment

The school opened its doors to the community on 14 January 1997.

Location of The School

Mahatshula Primary is located on the west of the Central Business District long the Bulawayo Harare road, about 10 kilometres from the CBD. It is in the suburb of Mahatshula South behind Glengary Shopping Centre.


Our current enrolment is 850 children.

The school caters for children from Grade Zero to Grade 7.

The following subjects are offered:

  • English
  • IsiNdebele
  • Mathematics
  • Environmental Science
  • Social Studies
  • Religious and Moral Education
  • Home Economics
  • Physical Education
  • Art
  • Music
  • Computers

In addition to the above subjects offered, the school has a Marimba Club, which meets every week. This club is for Grades 5 to 7. There is also a tennis club, which meets every week as well.

During the first term of school, pupils have sporting activities in the form of athletics. They are involved in various competitions from Interhouse up to National Level. Some pupils have progressed up to National Level. Term 2 is when students are involved in soccer and netball and they compete with the schools in their cluster. In the third and last term, children have in the past gone for swimming lessons at a local swimming pool. We hope that in the coming years a swimming pool will be built in the school for all pupils.


Over the years have proved that our staff is dedicated to the betterment of the lives of the pupils in this school. Grade Seven results have been excellent over the years. Even in times of industrial action, Mahatshula has managed to come out tops and will continue to do so. In 2007, we were awarded with the Secretary's Bell, which is the highest accolade for a primary school to receive. It was given for academic excellence and good all round performance. The school has also won the Mayors trophy for best Grade 7 results within the City Council schools. Various certificates are displayed at the school for Grade 7 results awarded by the Better Schools Programme of Zimbabwe (BSPZ).


This school is part of Imbizo District and is clustered with Cement Primary, Imbizo Garrison, Lockview and Kensington Primary schools. It is also part of the Connecting Classrooms Programme and was paired with Ross Camp and McKeurtan Primary schools. These schools have sister schools in Nigeria and Wales and the teachers from the respective countries have visited Mahatshula and even taught some classes. In the future children will be communicating via internet with their Nigerian and Welsh friends. This will be good for them, as they will learn more about other cultures.


Council provides the school with stationery, furniture and all other equipment needed in the running of the school. It provides also ancillary staff, which is the Bursar, Clerk, Caretaker, Messenger and two grounds men. Teachers are all employed by the Ministry of Education. The city council staff takes care of the school as a whole, the reception is manned by the clerk and the bursar is responsible for the account whereas the caretaker and grounds men take care of the school grounds and classrooms.


Mahatshula Primary PTA has played a big part in the running of the school. It has come in when things have been tough for the school. Computer for the computer lab were sourced by PTA. It managed to buy 14 computers. A tennis court was also built by the association and stationery in the form of textbooks and teaching material in hard times. A school bus was also purchased for transportation of schoolchildren during sporting events and school trips.


Over the years there have been a number of thefts, one incident is when the borehole pump was stolen. This made it difficult to manage the school garden, as there was no more water for the vegetables and fruit trees. Scarcity of funds has also contributed lack of adequate learning as the textbooks we had were tattered and children had difficulties as they had to share. Teachers also had problems teaching because of inadequate teaching material especially during the years 2007 - 2009.

Future Projections

In the future, we hope to add on to our achievements and restore the borehole, which will make the school into a green haven. The school garden will provide fresh vegetables and fruit for the kids and the community and the water will be much needed in times of droughts and water cuts.

The school is also in need of a library. Currently the Bulawayo Public Library provides this service but in the near future, we need to build one of our own. Also a school hall for assembly and various functions.

Overall, we still thrive to provide a better education for our children as they are the future.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free