Bulawayo City Council


Manondwana School


"Make hay while the sun shines"


The name was derived from one of King Lobengula's chiefs.

Date Established


Enrolment and Staffing

At Inception

No. Of Pupils 1 210
No. Of Teachers 40


Enrolment Males Females Totals
Pupils 633 610 1 243
Staff 2 35 37

Location of The School

The school is located off Goderich Road in Nketa 7 Stand No. 4142. It falls under Imbizo District and its distance from the Central Business District (CBD) is 8km.

Curriculum Offered

The school offers the following subjects:- Ndebele, Environmental Science, social Studies, Home Economics, Physical Education, Art and Craft, Mathematics, AIDS Education, Music, English Language and Religious and Moral Education.

Co-Curricular Activities

The school offers, athletics, football, volleyball, baseball. Quiz, drum majorettes and choral music. The Health, Aids Action and Science clubs also feature.


Merits that have been awarded to the school are as follows:

Year Award
2001 Outstanding achievement in Grade 7 Exams
2002 Outstanding results for Grade 7 Exams
2003 Honorary certificate for Grade 7 Exams
2003 Double Honours for Grade 7 Exams
2004 Certificate of achievement in Museums Quiz
2004 Merit Award
2004 Certificate of achievement by BSPZ
2005 Merit Award
2005 Honours award
2005 Treble honours award
2006 Merit Award
2006 Treble honours award
2007 Honours award
2007 Double honours award
2008 Certificate of Merit in Museums Quiz


Manondwane falls under the Nketa Cluster of schools. Sporting disciplines held under this cluster:- athletics, soccer, netball, volleyball and baseball. Cluster mid-year and end-of-year tests are also set and written by these schools. Awards ceremonies are also held at cluster level.

Composition of Support Staff

Support staff composed of the bursar, clerk, caretaker and grounds men complement the teaching staff in providing essential services that co-ordinate the day to day running of the school.

Responsibility Authority

The Bulawayo City Council calls meetings for the heads where administrative issues are discussed including the provision of educational materials, management of PTA funds and the auditing of financial books.


Challenges for the past years in running the school has been:

  • The failure by parents to pay fees and levies on time
  • Shortage of textbooks
  • Inadequate furniture
  • Theft of standard poles for the school fence thereby minimizing the security of the school

Projections for the Future

Projections for the future mainly lie in improving the quality of our academic results, source for the donation of computers so as to introduce computer lessons to our pupils, purchase school furniture and carry out repairs including the sprucing up of buildings through painting.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free