Bulawayo City Council


Mawaba School


"Imfundo Ngamandla" meaning Knowledge is Power.


MAWABA The black and white shields of the Ndebele warriors under king Mzilikazi. A regiment of well-trained soldiers renowned for their courage and fighting prowess. Only called into action when the going got tough.

The name of the school is Mawaba Primary in the Mzilikazi district under District Education Officer (DEO) Jirah. It was established on the 1st of January 1997. The school's first enrolment was approximately 750 pupils and had 23 teachers including Head and Deputy Head. Currently the school's enrolment is 1 241 with 632 boys and 609 girls.The school also 5 Early Childhood Development (ECD) classes with an enrolment of 52 boys and 74 girls total 128.

Mawaba is in the high density suburb of Lobengula West along Luveve road. It is 15km from the City Centre.

Ten subjects are offered which comprise Mathematics, English, IsiNdebele, Environmental Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Music, Home Economics, Art and AIDS.


Mawaba has received eight (8) academic awards, four (4) sporting awards that is three (3) in netball and one (1) in athletics. The school is under Magwegwe cluster in Sports and academic.

General Information

The school has one caretaker who resides in the school premises, two groundsman, a roving messenger, a roving bursar and one clerical assistant.

Their Duties


  • Collects PTA levy and issues invoices and receipts.
  • Banks all monies.
  • Makes purchases for all school items, keeps records of school property.
  • Advises Head on levels of finances of the school, on purchasing and available funds.
  • Supervises non- teaching staff.

Senior Clerical Assistant

  • Keeps school forms and handouts, pupils files and records, admission register.
  • Distribute s school materials, files, retrieves all documents.
  • Welcomes parents and visitors.
  • Types, duplicates, dispatches correspondence.


  • Keeps building and school property secure.
  • Ensures the grounds are clean.
  • Cleans offices and Administration.


  • Runs errands.
  • Collects and delivers mail.
  • Cleans offices and Administration block.
  • Does other jobs delegated to him by his seniors.


The City Council supervises the structures and their own staff. They also provide textbooks and sanitation chemicals. Furthermore they provide protective clothing for their grounds and administration staff.

Dual Reporting

The school staff reports to different authorities i.e. City Council employees reporting to City Council and being paid by City Council. Government employees being supervised by government supervisors, City Council helps supervise the administration roles of the Head especially with regards to the support staff.

Differences in remunerations demotivates government employees where the school Head supervises better remunerated subordinates. Due to the severe economic erosion the school found it difficult to purchase books and replace broken furniture. The PTA is doing its best to purchase and repair what needs repairing.


The school intends to buy more textbooks for all grades. It also intends to fundraise and purchase a duplicating machine and a school bus or Lobby for donations from respective firms or overseas friends.


Mawaba Primary School has a good reputation academically and in sports. It has a dedicated staff which has a spirit of togetherness. Parents who want their children to have a sound primary education send their children to the school despite the distance.

At Mawaba we lift the veil of ignorance.
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free