Bulawayo City Council


Mgiqika School


"Forward Ever, Backward Never"

Mgiqika, meaning to roll over, the purpose was a sign of bravery and to avoid further torture. This name was derived from one of King Lobengula's chiefs. This is the place where other chiefs were killed and they were supposed to roll.

Date Established

The school was officially opened in January 1994 with a staff complement of 24 teachers.

Enrolment and Staffing

The enrolment stood at 965 and these were grades one to six. However of late the school offers grades 1-7 and en enrolment of 1821 with a staff complement of 47 teachers including the Head and the Deputy. We have 10 computers one special class. We have opened two ECD classes.

Location of the School

The school is located in Ward 25 at Nketa 9 suburb bordered by the following roads, Mgoqo Road in the east Rangemore Road in the south and Nketa Drive in the west. It falls under Mbizo District and it is 12km from the Bulawayo Main Post Office.

Curriculum Offered

Subjects offered by the school are: Mathematics, English, Ndebele, Environmental Science, Social Studies, RME, Physical Education, Music and Art. The following sports disciplines are done, Athletics, Volley Ball, Soccer, Netball, Cricket, Drum Majorettes, Scouts movement and traditional dance.

  • Great achievements have been done. The school is the best in terms grade seven results. It is second best in City Council schools. We have been coming 1st or second since 2000. We have received Academic Excellence certificates Annual Merit Awards certificates, Annual Double Honours Awards, Annual Honours certificate ever since, for some certificates we have no place to hang them.
  • The City Council has 31 primary schools and in 2009 we came 2nd and also came 1st as the best school with the number and percentage ratio of all the 4 subjects with grade 5 or better compared to other City Council Schools. In sports at zonal level we came 1st, and 6 of our athletes received some medals at Provincial competitions and three of them proceeded to National competitions.

Composition of Support Staff and their roles

The school finances are managed by a qualified bursar. We have a competent Clerk who types all our documents. There are two grounds men who maintain our grounds and one Caretaker who is in charge of the day to day running of the school. There are two security personnel one from Econet and another from the City Council.

Role of Council as a Responsible Authority

The Council has played a pivotal role in the smooth running of the school, they purchase cleansing material, stationery, textbooks and they pay the bursar, clerk, caretaker and ground staff. The Education side also calls some meetings where administrative issues are discussed. The P.T.A. also supports the school in the school development projects, teacher incentives and compliments Council on Stationery and other requirements.


Challenges faced over the years were the exodus of teachers for greener pastures. This compromised the quality of education. The shortage of textbooks and stationery affected the smooth running of the school. The inflation also affected the man in the street. Sporting equipment was also a great challenge.

Projection for the Future

The school aims to relate very well with other stake holders. Maintain the good results at Grade 7. Purchase a school bus, build a Library, a Hall and improve our playgrounds including for the ECD classes. We are looking forward for a Twin Sister School from abroad.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free