Bulawayo City Council


Mgombane School


"Education for Life"

Mgombane was the name given to one of the chiefs under King Lobengula who was stationed in the area before the inversion of Bulawayo by the white settlers in the 1890s. The name of the school derived from the chief.

Date Established

The school was established on 01/03/96.

Enrollment and Staffing

Enrollment (Grade 1-7)

At Inception Current
Male 631 Male 598
Female 556 Female 580

Staffing (Grade 1-7)

At Inception Current
30 31

Enrolment ECD (B)

At Inception Current
Male 0 Male 53
Female 0 Female 37

Staffing ECD (B)

At Inception Current
0 4


The school is located 11 kilometers at the western side of the Central Business District. It is South East of Nkulumane Police Station next to Rangemore Road along Sakhile Road in the suburb of Nkulumane.

Curriculum Offered

The school offers English, Ndebele, Mathematics and General Paper which is made up of Home Economics, Environmental Science Religious and Moral Education, Social Studies, Art, Physical Education, Music and AIDS Education.


The school has mile stones for its achievements. It sank a borehole and installed an electric engine to supply water to the school in support of the City of Bulawayo main water system. It managed to construct terraces at the school sports field and paved the assembly point. It also established a computer laboratory and installed 22 computers (of which 10 were a donation from the President), for the teaching of computers to school children. It also sourced two water tanks through World Vision, a non-governmental organization for water.


The school belongs to Nkulumane Cluster of schools which aims at bettering schools in all areas. It also affiliates to Nkulumane B Zone in sporting activities.

Composition of Support Staff, their Roles, How These Merge with Professional Staff

As support staff, the school has the School Bursar who is the overseer of all support staff. He is responsible for custody of all the school funds and balancing of books of account at the end of each month. He is also the buyer of the school requirements.

The Bursar is assisted by the Senior Clerical Assistant who is responsible for collecting and receipting all school funds. She also types all school correspondence and examinations for the school. Furthermore, she is the custodian of all school files.

There is also a Caretaker who looks after the Bulawayo City Council property which includes the infrastructure and all the school equipment. He also does minor repairs and supervises groundsmen. The groundsmen take care of all the school grounds including maintaining lawns, watering flower gardens, trimming the hedge and trees and cleaning pupils ablution facilities.

Role of Council in Administration and Running of the School and that of PTA

Role of Council

It is the Responsible Authority of the school and it owns the school. It provides all support staff named above and also pays them. It assists the school in providing text books and stationery. City Council maintains the school in the form of repairs. Furthermore, it pays all monthly bills that include telephone, water and electricity. It also monitors the collection and use of school funds.

Role of Parents Teacher Association

The PTA assists in the development of the school through collection of PTA levies for school projects. It also assists in the provision of stationery and other teaching/learning materials during times of need. Furthermore, it also sources funds for the school through donations and fundraising.

Challenges Faced by the School over the Years

Over the years, the school has faced several challenges which include shortages of textbooks, teaching/learning materials, financial resources and recently, difficulties in the payments of fees and levies by parents.

Projection for the Future

The school is working towards procurements of a photocopier and buying uniforms for drum majorettes.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free