Bulawayo City Council


Mkhithika Thebe


"Ngipha Imfundo, Imbeko Lo Lwazi"

The school is named Mkhithika Thebe after one of King Mzilikazi's army commanders, who was influential during the first umvukela (Ndebele rebellion). This was in honour of his prominence in leadership and as a reminder of our history as is the norm with most Bulawayo schools. It was established in May 2010.

Enrolment And Staffing At Inception

Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
Female 73 83 87 75 76 75 37 506
Male 87 74 77 74 73 61 40 486
Total 160 157 164 149 149 136 77 992

Staffing At Inception

Sex Degreed DIP. ED/CE Total
Male 0 2 2
Female 0 21 21
Total 0 23 23

Current Enrolment And Staffing

Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
Female 129 120 119 132 144 103 94 841
Male 106 109 118 128 109 118 87 775
Total 235 229 237 260 253 221 181 1 616

Current Staffing

Sex Degreed CE/PipED Total
Male 1 2 3
Female 6 31 37
Total 7 33 40


Distance: 15 kilometres south west of the city centre.
Suburbs: Cowdray Park high density
Ward: 28
District: Reigate
Postal Address: Box 67 Luveve Bulawayo

Curriculum Offered

Primary school subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Environmental Science
  • Physical Education
  • Art & Craft
  • Ndebele
  • Social Studies
  • Home Economics
  • Music
  • Aids Education

Co Curriculum Activities Offered

  • Soccer
  • Volley ball
  • Rugby
  • Traditional Dance
  • Drum Majorretes
  • Netball
  • Cricket
  • Athletics
  • Quiz Club
  • Choral Music


Year Achievements
2002 Year of inception
2003 School tuck-shop opened 10 movable boards purchased by P.T.A.
2004 P.T.A. purchased deep freezer for the school tuck-shop
2005 P.T.A purchased duplicating machine and computer.
2006 STRIVE RESOURCE EXCHANGE purchased 153 textbook.
2007 Two pupils excelled in athletics and won 2 gold and 1 bronze medals in Athletics.
  • Traditional Dance Group came 4th at National Jikinya competitions in Harare.
  • >4 computers were donated by the Mayor Bulawayo.
  • P.T.A. purchased 50 bags cement and Ministry of Education buys 5 000 bricks for classroom block.


  • Traditional Dance Group came 2nd at National Jikinya competitions- Harare.


  • Donation of 1128 textbooks, toilet materials and sport kits from Save the Children UK.
  • Donation of borehole from Japanese Embassy through World Vision.
  • School came 2nd in the Leeds Trust, Gardening competition run by World Vision.


  • Two athletes win gold and bronze medals in Bulawayo Provincial.

Clustering: Academic And Sporting

The school is a member of Cowdray Park cluster of school comprising three primary and two secondary schools. It partakes in academic competitions organized by Better Schools Programme Zimbabwe. It scooped prizes for the best grade seven results in the cluster. Our traditional Dance Group has always represented our cluster at district and provincial competitions.

Composition Of Support Staff

Title Male Female Total
Bursar 0 1 1 - Shared by 3 schools
Clerk 1 0 1
Caretaker 1 0 1
Messenger 1 0 1
Groundsman 1 0 1

Roles Of The Support Staff


  • Advises on levels of finances of the school, purchases all school items and banks all monies.
  • Keeps and maintains commitment register, records of all school property.
  • Collects P.T.A levy and issues invoices and receipts.
  • Supervises non-Teaching Staff.

Senior Clerical Assistant

  • Keeps school forms, handouts and class registers.
  • Types, duplicates, receives and distributes mail and dispatches correspondences.
  • Welcomes parents and visitors.
  • Distributes school materials and keeps records up to date.
  • Files and retrieves all documents and correspondence.


  • Keeps buildings and school property secure.
  • Sees to cleanliness of rooms.
  • Ensures grounds are clean and cleans offices and administration block.
  • Does minor repairs.


  • Runs errands, collects and delivers mail.
  • Cleans offices and does any other delegated duty.


  • Keeps grounds clean and tidy and maintains trees and lawns.
  • Cleans classrooms and ablutions.

As noted in their duties the support staff play a big role in the running of the school and creation of a conducive environment for learning to take place.

The Role Of Council in Administration and Running of The School

  • As the responsible authority, City Council controls schools finances through bursars and clerks. It provides support staff and security in schools in addition to provision of resource materials and other requirements needed in school.
  • Council also builds schools and pays salaries of all auxiliary staff. It also sets goals, makes rules and sets standards for Council schools.

The P.T.A.'s Role

  • Provides assistance with operation extension and development of the school.
  • Assist in preservation and maintenance of property and facilities of the school.
  • To raise funds for purposes of maintenance improvements or construction of new buildings.

Challenges Faced Over The Years

  • Serious shortage of infrastructure i.e. classrooms and administration block.
  • Three tier hot- seating.
  • Lack of electricity: resulting in donated computers lying idle for the past 4 years.
  • Shortage of textbooks: Ratio 1:10.
  • Nonpayment of tuition fees and levies hinders progress in building of classrooms and purchase of other school needs like, cleaning materials, stationery and furniture.

Projections For The Future

  • The school is looking forward to the completion of buildings that have been at slab level since inception.
  • We are looking forward to provision of furniture by the responsible authority as there is not a single teacher's chair or table in the school.
  • Building of concrete benches around strategic trees is one option parents are considering to ease shortage of furniture and breakages of benches as they are carried in and out of classrooms.
  • We hope to seek assistance from well-wishers to have our caretaker's house completed to alleviate his suffering by footing to and from work daily and normalizing the school's starting time when he will live in the school premises.
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free