Bulawayo City Council


Mthombowesizwe School


"Education for all, sundry is a tool to success"

Mthombwesizwe, meaning well of the nation. Derived from the peopled led by King Lobengula who were often addressed as Isizwe saMaNdebele and they fetched their water from this well. The well is still intact on the southern part of the school even now.

Date Established

01 January 1988

Enrolment on Inception

Boys 623
Girls 630
Total 1 253
Teachers 30

Current Enrolment

Boys 660
Girls 699
Total 1 359
Teachers 35

Location of the School

Number 33766 Muzomuhle Road, Entumbane. It is situated N/W of the Central Business District a distance of 10.5km from the City Centre.

Curriculum Offered

Zimbabwe Primary Curriculum which includes the following subjects: Math, Ndebele, English, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Religious and Moral Education, Physical Education, Art and Craft, Music, Home Economics and Aids Education.


  • Good Grade 7 results over the years.
  • Good rapport between staff and parents.
  • Establishing a formidable rugby team.
  • Having tennis courts within the school premises.
  • Qualified teaching personnel all the years.
  • Good relations among teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • Good rapport within the non-governmental organizations, district offices, provincial offices as well as responsible authority offices.
  • 2001 Cluster Award by the Provincial Director.
  • 2006 Merit award.
  • 2007 Shield for rugby team.
  • 2010 Medal for our athletic and rugby teams.

Clustering – Academic and Sporting

The following disciplines are offered at the school and cluster level; Netball, Soccer, Rugby, Athletics, Tennis, Volleyball, Cricket, Quiz, Drama, Music and Traditional dance. The school has always fared well in Rugby and Athletics within the cluster. We also have interest in Cricket discipline save that we do not have adequate resources.

Composition of Support Staff

Made out of both professional and non-professional staff. Qualified Bursar and Clerk. Caretaker of acceptable level and messenger. Two grounds men.

Clerical Staff

  • Assist in the enrolment of pupils, collection of fees and levies. Assist as advisors in financial matters of the school. Keep record of school finances, school expenditure and income. Do banking of school funds. Do requisition of learning materials and uniforms for non- teaching staff and orders for the tuck-shop. Do all the financial returns.
  • At times assist in compiling information on burglary and thefts and reporting to the police.
  • Keeping inventory records of all assets in the school including textbooks.
  • Typing of all school correspondence and local tests, and keeping all school records.


  • In charge of the equipment in the school e.g. tools, furniture in the administration block and classrooms.
  • Does minor repairs, cleans offices, monitoring the security school fence, keeping keys for all classrooms as well as administration block. Ensure that security personnel from Council assume their duties on time.
  • Ensures that security personnel are conversant in the handover takeover duties.
  • Assist in the cleaning and development of the school grounds.
  • Ensures that the fireguard around the school fence is maintained at all times.
  • Ensures that school toilets have appropriate cleaning materials.
  • Opens classrooms at the start of the day and locks them up at the end of the days.
  • He is on duty seven days of the week inclusive of weekends and holidays.
  • Reports to the police as soon as he notices any burglaries o thefts in the school.

Grounds Men

  • Cleans both staff and pupils™ toilets daily.
  • Cleans school grounds.
  • Maintains school orchard and at times the school garden.
  • Assisting the caretaker in most of his duties. At times they are used as messengers for nearby errands.


  • Does all the school errands to the Provincial Offices, District Offices.
  • Responsible authority Offices, neighbouring schools and business communities.
  • Assist in collecting school orders e.g. textbooks, stationery etc.
  • Collection of quotations in business shops.
  • Cleans school offices.
  • May at times act as the caretaker in his absence.
  • Collects and takes mail from the Post Office, Responsible Authority Offices, Provincial offices and district offices.
  • Rapport between support and professional staff is commendable to a large extent. They come in handy when it comes to supporting school events such as Sports and Prize Giving Day just to mention but a few.

Role of Council In The Administration

  • It is the responsible authority that built the school and procured furniture for classrooms and administration offices.
  • Determines Council levies.
  • Pays non-teaching staff.
  • Pays for all services and maintenances of the school, e.g. water, telephone, maintenance of toilets, broken window panes and burst pipes. Report of broken fences and roofs, broken pipes, taps etc.
  • Processing of school requisitions.
  • Assist in the budgeting for the school.
  • Monitors and advises on all school finances.
  • It also assists in the solution of some crunch problems faced by the school.
  • Supplies educational and cleaning materials.
  • Assists in school renovations.


  • They are an arm of the Council.
  • Assist the school with funds for minor and long term projects.
  • They do minor repairs.
  • Avail funds for school immediate needs.
  • Assist in the selection of needy pupils who might need assistance e.g. BEAM.


  • The ever high enrolment compromises resources.
  • Because of high enrolment payment of fees and levies is not done timeously.
  • elderly parents, and illiterate parents. These contribute to the non-payment of fees.
  • High rate of unemployment.
  • School catchment area is wider than most of the school at Entumbane. We have to enroll pupils from Richmond and Emakhandeni suburbs.
  • Shortage of essential resources like books, accommodation for classes which results in hot seating. Lack of school library.
  • Large teaching staff.
  • Lack of modern equipment e.g. photocopiers, faxes and e-mails.
  • Poverty resulting in some of pupils coming to school without having eaten anything.
  • We do not have enough grounds to accommodate all sporting disciplines.
  • In most of our projected projects, we cannot carry them out without the aid of donors.

Projections for the Future

  • Trim enrolment and staff say a thousand pupils and below.
  • Do away with hot seating.
  • Introduce a culture of reading by putting up a library.
  • Enhance security in administration office e.g. putting up safeguard alarms.
  • Enact a strong policy on enrolment which shall make it easy for payment of levies and fees.
  • Educate community on importance of education.
  • Teaching of computers to Grade 0-7.
  • Building a computer room.
  • Building E.C.D. block.
  • Building a school library.
  • Building K.G. toilets.
  • Introducing practical subjects Woodwork and Home Economics.
  • Procuring a school vehicle for speedy attention to some of our records.
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free