Bulawayo City Council


Mtshingwe School


"Only the best is good enough"

The name Mtshingwe was derived from Mtshingwe River at Insiza (Emakhandeni) a river being a source of water that gives life so the same goes with the school is a fountain of knowledge.

Date Established

June 1987

Enrolment and Staffing

At Inception

Pupils 840
Teachers 21


Pupils 1 080
Teachers 30

Location of the School

It is located at Emakhandeni suburb north of Maunga Business Centre, Mtshingwe Road near the Railway line.

Curriculum Offered

It offers Primary Education and co-curricular activities.


The school belongs to Reigate District and also belongs to Entumbane/Emakhandeni Cluster consisting of nine schools, two secondary schools and seven primary schools.

The school always has had the best results in the cluster obtaining cash and certificates. It has also maintained the position of the top ten results of the city Council Schools.

In 2004 the school won the Secretary's Bell in the Bulawayo Province. That was a major achievement for the school.


It is one of the western schools in the City of Bulawayo that initiated cricket sporting activity as a result a Cricket Stadium was constructed near the school. The school also has come up well in the Ingwebu Soccer Tournament where it has also won trophies.

Composition of Support Staff, their roles and how these merge with professional staff

  • Caretaker - He is the security officer of the school and assists in grounds maintenance and cleanliness.
  • Grounds men - Maintain cleanliness of the school.
  • School Clerk - Types school exams and distributes stationery to teachers. She maintains her status of being a liaison officer in the school amongst the school staff.
  • Bursar - The school has a rotating bursar.
  • Messenger - Collects and delivers the school mail to and from Responsible Authorities.

Role of Council in the Administration and Running of the school and that of P.T.A.

The Council maintains school buildings, employs support staff, takes over projects initiated by P.T.A. and assist the head where need be. The Council also approves of P.T.A. levies proposed by parents.

P.T.A. is responsible for setting up levies that will assist to initiate projects and also maintain some assets of the school.

Challenges Faced Over The Years in The Running of The School

The major challenges are:

  • Shortages of text books
  • Late payments of fees and levies
  • Shortage of stationery for teaching staff
  • School furniture leaves a lot be desired

Projections for The Future

  • Each child to have his/her own textbook to expose children to comprehensive reaching.
  • Have a separate site for the K.G. Department.
  • We need a new computer and a laser printer.
  • Almost all classrooms need to be fitted with fluorescent globes.
  • We need locks for inside cupboards plus outside doors.
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free