Bulawayo City Council


Ngwalongwalo School


"Learn to Read, Read to Learn"

The name was derived from the praise songs of King Lobengula who was referred to NGWALONGWALO KA MATSHOBANA.


May 2002

Enrollment And Staffing At Inception As Well As Current

Males Females Total
Enrollment 2002 274 226 500
Staffing 2002 4 9 13
Enrollment 2010 627 631 1 258
Staffing 2010 4 30 34


The school is located in Pumula South suburb. It is ten (10 kilometers from the city centre, two (2) kilometers from the Nkulumane Shopping Mall. It is directly opposite Premier High.

Curriculum Offered

Formal curriculum is offered in two categories i.e. Academic and Extracurricular activities.

Subjects Offered

English, Ndebele, Mathematics, Social studies, Religious/Moral Education, Environmental Science, Home economics, Physical Education, Art/Craft, HIV/AIDS and Music.

Extra – Curricular Activities

Athletics, ball games, cricket, Music/Dance, Science Exhibition, Volley ball, Quiz, Drama/Poetry and Drum majorities.

Achievements and Awards

Cluster Level

  • Merit Award Girls Soccer ( 2004)
  • Best Overall results in General Paper Grade 7 (2006)
  • Best Overall results in English Grade 7 (2007)
  • Certificate of excellence Position One (1) Science Exhibition under Design recipe and Technology (2006)
  • Certificate of excellence position one (1) Science Exhibition under Design recipe and Technology (2009)

Provincial Level

  • Annual Merit Award Grade 7 results (2003)
  • A certificate of excellence Arts and Culture (2005)
  • Annual merit award Grade 7 results (2006)
  • Award for Science Exhibition under design recipe and technology (2006) position one (10)
  • Best overall results in General Paper (2006)

Clustering, Academic And Sporting

  • Sporting: The school is under Hyde Park South Cluster
  • Academic: The school is under Khami District

Composition of Support Staff, Their Roles, How These Merge with Professional Staff

Support staff is composed of:

  • Bursar
  • Senior Clerical Assistant (Clerk)
  • Caretaker
  • Messenger
  • Groundsmen

Their Roles and How These Merge with Professional Staff:


  • Serves a cluster of three schools
  • Collects PTA Levy, issues invoices and receipts
  • Makes purchases for all school items e.g. stationery, cleaning materials
  • Advises Head on school finances, purchases and availability of funds

Senior Clerical Assistant

  • Types examinations
  • Keeps school forms and handouts
  • Keeps class registers
  • Keeps pupils files and record cards
  • Distributes school material


  • Collects and delivers mail
  • Does other jobs delegated to him by his seniors e.g. duplicating
  • Cleans offices and administration block
  • Rings the bell


  • Sees to the cleanliness of all rooms
  • Cleans offices and administration block
  • Rings the bell


  • Keeps grounds clean and tidy
  • Cleans classrooms and ablutions
  • Does any duty assigned to him

Role Of Council In The Administration And Running Of The School

The Bulawayo City Council is the responsible authority. It is the custodian of all the school assets. It procures resources and pays all the utility bills to run the school.

Role Of Council In The Administration And Running Of The P.T.A

Parents Teachers Association is not an independent body that runs the school, it is an arm of council. Council is in fact the custodian of P.T.A funds. Therefore council has to know how PTA funds are spent. The P.T.A assists in the development of the school.

Challenges Faced Over The Years In The Running Of The School

Due to hyperinflation experienced during 2006 to early 2009, major challenges were experienced in enhancing quality education. For instance, there were shortages of resources, staff turnover was too high i.e. teachers leaving the profession for greener pastures and endless strikes.

Currently because of the multiple currencies which do not circulate, it is difficult to recover arrears owed by parents in form of tuition fees and levies. The responsible authority and P.T.A will recoup very little of these arrears as litigation is very expensive.

Projections for The Future

  • Construction of 4 classroom blocks
  • Construction of the Administration Block
  • Construction of the Caretaker's house
  • Furnishing of classroom blocks as only three blocks are fully furnished
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free