Bulawayo City Council


Nketa Primary School


"Success through hard work"

The school was named after Nketa Suburb in which it is located. It was the first school in Nketa Suburb.

Date Established

The school, with registration number 6519 was opened in January 1988.


At inception the school had 42 teachers and 3 non-teaching staff members.

Currently, it has a total of 41 teachers comprising of 4 Early Childhood teachers, 31 Primary teachers and 6 student teachers as well as 3 non-teaching staff.


At inception the school had 42 classes of about 50 pupils each. Currently, it has 4 classes of about 25 pupils each for the Early Childhood Development Level and 30 classes of about 45 pupils each for the primary level.

Exact Location

The school is situated in the high density suburb of Nketa 6 in Bulawayo. It is 8km on the western side of the Central Business District along Nketa Drive and Isikhongwane turn.

Curriculum Offered

The school offers the following academic curriculum:

  • Early Childhood Development for ages between 3 and 5 years.
  • Primary Education from Grade 1 to 7.
  • Special education for remedial cases.

The school also offers the following co-curricular and cultural activities:

  • Athletics
  • Netball
  • Football
  • Volley ball
  • Basket ball
  • Cricket
  • Traditional dance
  • Music (choral, contemporary)
  • Poetry
  • Speech and drama
  • Scripture union
  • Young farmers
  • Quiz club
  • AIDS kids club
  • Drum majorettes
  • Boy Scouts and Girl Guides
  • First Aid Club

Achievements and Academic Awards

From 1996 to 200 the school received Provincial merit awards for excelling in grade 7 results.

The school has also received awards in the following co-curricular activities:

Year Activity Venue Award
1995 Drum majorettes ZITF Trophy
2006 Aids Kids Club MAC TV set, prize money
2006 Netball (District competition) BSPZ awards Certificate
2007 Basketball (District competition) Nkulumane High School Shield Trophy
2007 Athletics (National competition) Hwange Prize money, medals
2007 Music (District competition) Sizinda Hall Prize money
2009 Drum majorettes ZITF Prize money
2010 Athletics (Provincial competition) White City Medals
2010 Drum majorettes ZITF Prize money


The school competes in academic and sporting activities with other schools within the Nketa Cluster.

Support Staff

It is composed of:

  • The bursar
  • The clerk
  • The caretaker
  • The messenger
  • The grounds-men

The support staff works exceptionally well with the professional staff in the day to day running of the school.

Role of Council in School Administration

The Council is the responsible authority. It is responsible for the finances, infrastructure as well as the maintenance of the school property. It also provides stationery and cleaning material.

Role of PTA

The PTA is the link between the teachers and parents. It is responsible for initiating development projects for the school.

It is also responsible for school repairs.

Challenges Faced

  • To excel in grade 7 results
  • Computers
  • School bus
  • More classrooms
  • Assembly hall
  • Textbooks
  • School furniture
  • Practical subjects (home economics, wood work, laboratory)
  • Sporting facilities
  • Computer literate teacher


Nketa Primary School
P O Box 5144
Telephone: 00 263 09 484670

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free