Bulawayo City Council


Ntshamathe School


"Work hard you shall not fail"

Date Established


Enrolment and Staffing

At Inception

When the school opened its doors it had 840 pupils and 21 staff members.


Boys 544
Girls 541
Total 1 085
Teachers 31

Location of The School

The school is in Old Magwegwe Township about 12 kilometres from the CBD. The school is along Ntshamathe Road.

Curriculum Offered

The school offers a range of subjects namely English, Math, Ndebele, Home Economics, Art, Physical Education, Religious and Moral Education, Social Studies, Environmental Science, Music and Aids Education.

Co-Curricular Activities

In sports the following are offered, football, netball, cricket, volleyball, and athletics. The school has also clubs namely; First Aid, Aids club and Scripture.

The school has had several awards and cluster as well as provincial level especially on academic excellence.

Composition of Support Staff and Their Roles

There 6 support staff. The clerk and the bursar do all the relevant office work, e.g. enrolling pupils attending to parents, receiving telephone calls, typing and look after the school's finances. Groundsmen keep the school clean and tidy.

Role of Council in Administration

Council is the Responsible Authority; it gives direction, rules and regulations that have to be followed in the running of the school. The P.T.A. also assists the Council in ensuring that parents pay levies and school fees.

Challenges Faced Over the Years

Lack of funds to carry out planned activities and projects has been the main problem, parents failing to pay fees and levies in time so that the school can function properly.

Projections for the Future

The school needs to acquire computers so that pupils and teachers can be computer literate. When the political and economic climate stabilizes the school intends to embark on several projects that will benefit both the school and the pupils.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free